Monthly Archives: August 2012
On Chivalry
Chivalry is pretty much dead and gone from this modern world we live in. Women just aren’t as healing, nurturing, and soft as they used to be. Men just aren’t as courageous, honorable, and strong as they used to be. It’s the degradation of a system based on ego and rigid intellectual coldness. It’s the devolution of humanity. Humanity is supposed to mean “benevolence” — and losing it is the only real fall from grace. To lose a natural sense of loving kindness and well meaning is to fall into darkness and shadow.
It may seem like an entirely archaic and outdated philosophy, but ego and rigid intellectual coldness are no sign of human advancement. Technology is no real sign of spiritual evolutionary improvement. In fact, such things are the opposite of what a spiritual evolutionary path and purpose even are — because a true spirituality is one that is in harmony with nature — not one that is destructive towards it. True spirituality is to have a benevolence towards others — not a coldness — not a selfishness — but a warmth.
So, although chivalry may seem old-fashioned, we actually need it now, more than ever before. Because modern conveniences, education, entertainment, jobs, lifestyles, money, products, success, technology — these things mean absolutely nothing — without the basic fundamentals of what it actually means to be a true human being. Without the basic fundamentals of true human virtue — what good are we? None.
Chivalry means common courtesy. Chivalry means common decency. Chivalry means politeness. Chivalry is common sense. What are we without these things? Nothing. A lack of reverence isolates a person into intellectual coldness — becoming a drone to the collective machine of control. Machines have no feeling. Machines have no soul. Machines are lifeless. Lifelessness means no vitality. Lifelessness means dead.
Consciousness, healing, perception, and vitality are all a matter of developing a genuine warmth. Love is a vibrational resonance of warmth. Kindness, generosity, and reverence are what grant it to you. This is to become a genuine human being — down to earth, natural, and real — authentic. It’s not enough to just pretend to be these things on the surface. Political correctness and social niceties are mostly just the lip service front of an ego that’s silently harboring hidden dark inner attitudes, motives, and agendas. Pretending to love and respect everybody — while silently scowling and snarling at each other underneath the surface is evil, fake, and transparent. And it can’t be the other end of the spectrum stuff either — the fake dippy, hippy stuff. Kindness, generosity, and reverence have to be something sincere and true from within, otherwise it means nothing. It’s simply a matter of being something real — genuine.
Chivalry should be something natural. But for some strange reason, it just ain’t. Chivalry was lost.
Beyond the obvious, of which is… oh, I don’t know… that maybe it’s just better to be a good person — an honorable person — a true human being… the doorway to the celestial is directly related to the quality of your inner virtues. You have to have a reverence for nature. You have to have a reverence for the divine feminine. You have to have a reverence for the divine masculine. You have to have a code of honor. Inner power is the ability to maintain it. This opens the mystical doorways to spirit — Chivalry.
or as these Arcturian symbols depics ,
Courage Strength Wisdom
The Arcturian Group Message – August 26, 2012
The Arcturian Group Message – August 26, 2012
channelled by Marilyn
We come to wish you all a very happy summer. Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened.
Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living.
You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.
This new world is represented through new ways of living and yet, it is not new at all, for you are simply now awakening to the realization that you are and always have been, One. All living things are connected by virtue of their being in and of the One omnipresent, One omnipotent, and One omniscient Consciousness.
As the manifestation of Source, you are also one with every Divine Idea within Divine Consciousness. Think upon that dear ones–you are actually one with Divine ideas of abundance, joy, peace, intelligence, completeness, wholeness, and much more. These Divine ideas are held in place by law. If there were disease or lack in Divine Consciousness, it would be held in place forever and could never be healed or changed.
Many of you are now experiencing painful endings; the leaving behind of people, places, and things that no longer resonate with you. These things as you have known them, are not held in place by Divine law but were the expressions of your state of consciousness at the time they were important to you.
Do not be afraid to lovingly let go of all that is finished, because this paves the way for new and higher forms of that which you love to appear in your experience–new friends, new activities, new joys, for nothing real can ever be lost and your new and higher resonance will draw that which is completeness for you, to you.
There are two areas of strong belief firmly intrenched in the third dimensional consciousness and both are causing pain for many at this time. These two are; 1.Beliefs regarding romantic relationships and 2.Beliefs about money.
In third dimensional energy (duality and separation) relationships are based on the concept that “I am half of a couple”. “I need you to give me the feminine energy” (male belief), or “I need you to to give me the masculine energy” (female belief) and “together we are whole”. This concept has been in place for lifetimes and is still being pushed upon you through books, movies, television shows, family, friends, churches etc.
However, as you awaken to your innate completeness, you begin to understand that you are already complete and whole and that as the manifestation of Source, you embody both the masculine and the feminine qualities/energy.
Those spiritually ready for this awareness but still needing to integrate their masculine or feminine aspect are now getting ample opportunities for practice through experiences of daily living that force one or the other to take on responsibilities heretofore believed to belong to the opposite sex.
You cannot move forward into the new and higher energies while still entertaining the belief that you are half. All have both the masculine and feminine energies. It is a matter bringing them into a balance regardless of what physical form has been chosen for this life time. This awakening is causing conflict in many established marriages and relationships as suddenly one partner realizes his or her completeness while the other chooses to stay in the old energy of being half of a couple.
The other area manifesting many problems now is the struggle to release the beliefs of financial lack and limitation. Mankind creates from its state of consciousness–personally as well as globally. The third dimensional consciousness always manifests as pairs of opposites because it is an energy of duality and separation. Therefore, the world as you have experienced it lifetime after lifetime, has always known lack and limitation, it has become the accepted normal. There is a human matrix of beliefs and it is filled with concepts of lack with more being added each day.
Your job is to stop claiming these beliefs as true and thus allowing them to become your state of consciousness. You are ready to move beyond this matrix of beliefs and it is difficult.
Abundance is held in place by Divine law and you are now ready to accept and embrace that. We are not guiding you to sit in poverty repeating over and over; “God is all” while doing nothing, for to “pretend a state of consciousness not attained, is human”. Truth must become a state of realized consciousness before it can manifest.
What we are saying, is that it is time to make the first step as you consider acting on a financial situation, a step of realizing that Divine Consciousness (which you are in your true essence) contains nothing of lack. Recognize that you have simply come under the influence of false concepts and beliefs because it is all you have ever known–no judgement, no guilt–just a moving into the new and higher awareness of abundance as being for all, held in place by Divine Law.
This is your journey, this is evolution–your work as you evolve. Remember, you chose to evolve through duality and separation and you are doing a fine job. After assuring yourself of the truth, then proceed take whatever human footsteps may be necessary at the time.
All is about to change very soon and this is why we guide you to let go of blindly holding on to things and ways that no longer work for you. You are moving into new awareness which in turn will lead you into a new and higher state of consciousness. When people try and hold to what is old and finished and no longer resonates simply because of family, friends, false pride or duty, they hold themselves back and cause themselves much unnecessary pain. However, there will always be free will and all can choose when and if they wish to awaken.
It is a new time dear ones, a time for celebration, for that which is real is beginning to manifest. You are not hearing about this through your media, but much is taking place behind the scenes. Hold to your center of truth as best you can with every experience of daily life while visualizing your energy field filled with Light.
You are being bombarded with much that is old and false as the clearing process within and without manifests chaos. The Light is forcing illusions created of shadow energy to surface in order that they be looked at and released. You are beginning to recognize this chaos for what it is– the manifestation of that with is old and untrue, creations of duality and separation.
Mankind as a whole is no longer resonating with ideas of war, in spite of the intense and ongoing efforts of those seeking to keep you in bondage to the belief that war is necessary for your safety.
You are now awakening to what is real and the understanding that real power lies within. We love you and congratulate you in your difficult yet necessary work of awakening, dear ones. All is proceeding according to plan.
Trust. Trust. Trust.
We are the Arcturian Group
Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – We Are You
The Arcturians – We Are You
By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 22, 2012
Beloved Ascending Ones,
We, The Arcturians, observe that many of you are having a challenge during this final stage of integration of your new Multidimensional Operating System into your old third dimensional thinking.
In other words, a part of you is fully multidimensional while another part, usually your earth vessel, feels like an anchor that you are dragging around with your consciousness.
Actually, that is a correct metaphor. YOU are no longer your earth vessel, but you are still using it to remain attached to the 3D Earth Matrix.
You are much like a Hermit Crab who has grown too large for its current shell and is desperately looking for a larger encasement so that it can still crawl around the ocean to find food. Just as a Hermit Crab sometimes leaves the water, you are increasingly leaving your usual habitat. For myriad lives you have limited your environment to the physical plane. However, the physical reality is beginning to feel like a shell that no longer fits.
The frequency rate of the YOU that is free of your vessel is many octaves higher than the vessel that you appear to be wearing. Hence, there is a constant juxtaposition between the YOU inside your earth vessel and the YOU that is quickly expanding beyond the confines of third dimensional limitation.
There are, also, many changes in your consciousness that are making your earth vessel feel too tight. For example, your thoughts have become too fast for your physical articulators to effectively express. Furthermore, your emotional longing for something that seems impossible by the standards of your physical brain makes you lonely and forgetful. Thus you are beginning to forget, but it is the third dimension that you are forgetting, while your yearning for something new is growing stronger.
Things, activities, people, foods and interest that were once very important are beginning to mean less and less to you. The time-bound thinking that has driven you to do a certain thing, be a at certain place or finish a certain task by a given time is falling away. You are literally forgetting that which you do NOT want to do. Instead, you are choosing to follow the urges of the New You.
Who is the New You? This You is definitely not the person you have always been. In fact, you would never have dared to believe that you could become the version of your SELF that is gradually, or swiftly, taking over your ever changing and expanding life.
The part of you that cared what you should do has been replaced with the New You that only wants to do what you want to do. YOU want to do only that which fills you with this new feeling of calm and contentment. You have gained an inner faith (or is it courage?) that allows you to live via your own inner compass. Therefore, even if it means changing your entire life, you are willing to follow this expanded experience of reality that is arising from within your Core.
Of course, the usual challenges are there for now, but you have a knowing that things are about to change in a very big way. You are not sure in which way your life will change, but you know that YOU will change it. For one thing, you know reality is different because you are changing how you perceive life.
You are choosing to keep your mind open and your heart filled with unconditional love. You can only do this because you have chosen to listen to your SELF and are no longer a captive of a reality forced upon you by someone else.
“Someone else” is a term that is beginning to mean something different. It used to mean everyone, but now it feels like an old term that is no longer necessary in your language, much as a “buggy whip”. You don’t drive a horse-drawn carriage, so a buggy whip is not needed. In fact, if or when you do drive a carriage, you would not want to whip that majestic animal who is doing you a favor by pulling your carriage.
In fact, you have a growing respect for all animals. Hence you no longer feel that you are superior because you have two legs and they have four legs, or no legs. You now perceive animals, as well as plants, as living creatures that have the same rights as you. Being a human is no longer being the most evolved being when you realize that some animals, such as the cetaceans, are just as, if not more, evolved than humans.
The former superiority of your ego is shifting. In fact, you are beginning to grow beyond the confines of ego. Whereas once you identified yourself as your ego and only occasionally listened to your Inner Voice or your Higher SELF, now you ARE your Higher SELF and your Inner Voice is YOUR voice.
Your ego still exists, but it has been relegated to care and maintenance of your earth vessel for as long as you decide to keep wearing it. This vessel is feeling very tight lately, and it seems VERY slow.
Your mind often races far ahead of your body and your brain. Your brain, once only connected to your earth vessel, is now connecting to your Multidimensional SELF. Because of this new connection, you are receiving many messages from the higher frequencies of reality. Some of you receive these messages in your dreams, some of you receive higher messages through your thoughts and writings, and some receive messages through emotions or even actions.
Through whichever manner you are wired into your higher perceptions you are receiving more messages than before, as well as messages from higher frequencies. Of course, not everyone is on the same fast track as you. However, they may suddenly awaken one day and flash into a full awakening.
You are the Openers. You are the first ones to open the myriad Portals into the fifth dimension. Also, you are the ones that will stand by that open Portal until everyone has gone through. “The first will be the last.” However, that third dimensional term does not exactly explain what we are saying.
You, the Openers, volunteered to be the leaders of this Planetary Ascension. Therefore you serve as the Scouts who go ahead into the unknown and come back to tell of your experience. You dash into the Bliss of the NOW, and courageously return to tell of your trek. You have become masters of saying things in a specific manner so that you do not frighten your audience.
There are many who are still fast asleep. If you awaken them too suddenly they will experience fear, which would lower their consciousness rather than raise it. To best “read” the needs of the ones you are assisting, go into your own Core and look IN to the ONE.
From within your inner perspective, you will KNOW just what to say and when. In this manner, you can keep your ego out of the picture and speak only from within your Core of SELF.
A blessed side effect of assisting others is that you will be using the immense, higher-frequency light coursing through your body. The energies that you are now downloading and integrating into your form need to be kept moving.
Therefore, when you are conscious of this incoming energy:
- Accept it
- Share it with Gaia
- Integrate it into your body, consciousness and life
- Love it unconditionally
- And send it out to your reality
Remember that YOU are the Portals that you opening. Some of you have within your Mission the ability to see Gaia’s many Portals and to then open them. Some of you have the ability to perceive the Portals within other humans and to assist them to open their own Portal. By surrendering to the Flow of the unconditional love embedded in the incoming multidimensional light, you are serving as a messenger for your highest expression of SELF.
Beloved earthbound expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, your path of incarnation is coming into a steady curve. That which was once determined from your external world is being replaced by an internal compass which re-calibrates with your every step. As you return to the NOW of the ONE, thoughts feel like an echo and emotions are becoming a way to perceive your reality. Your movements become flowing and your creativity bursts forth into full bloom.
Your once “far-away” guidance is within your every thought, and the unconditional love that you only felt in deepest meditation or prayer is becoming normal. You are very different than you have ever been because you are returning to the Core of your Eternal Being. Honor yourself with your every breath, for YOU are vital to the process of Personal and Planetary Ascension.
You have studied, suffered, forgotten and remembered that which is now easily within your grasp. Reach inward to receive these truths and allow them to meld into the Three Fold Flame of your High Heart. Look inside to see us, your Higher Expressions.
Through many lives of limitation, separation and duality we were with you. We held your hand in your darkest night and filled you with joy and bliss when you were able to receive it. Through your myriad lives, you may have felt alone, but we have never left you. How could we? After all, we are YOU!
The Arcturians and your Galactic Family
We all are working for ’Unconditional Love’ [REPOST]
We all are working for ’Unconditional Love’
2008 video.
Written by Site doesnt excist no more. sadly as GOV scrubs all that matteers, keep DATA flow going, and folks distracted and unaware of the past thus current. ra out
2008 video.
Written by Site doesnt excist no more. sadly as GOV scrubs all that matteers, keep DATA flow going, and folks distracted and unaware of the past thus current. ra out
The Garden of Eden that has been spoken about is a reality. It is an understanding of the Beauty that we behold in ourselves. It is the world beyond duality. When all is One. When we recognise the beauty in ourselves and we recognise the same beauty reflected in another, it is paradise.
When we become seperate, we see the points that make us separate, the things that make us different, we then see this as a negative rather than a point of beauty. Like the flowers in the garden, each flower radiates beauty in a different way. It is because we have the different flowers that make this a garden of beautiful flowers.
The difference enhances the beauty of this wonderful garden.
The Harmonic Convergence is a gateway or portal to Yourselves. It is the portal to your Christed Selves.
The 13h Dimension.
As we move through the Photon Belt, we are lifting into the vibration of the Oneness with All Light Beings.This awakening will affect people on all levels. Aware or unaware, we will all lift in vibration.
It is the Awakening of the Soul and Spirit, combining the conscious and sub-conscious. It is the Higher Self moving in and through our bodies. We become pure channels of the Light.
With duality of your emotional state it is important to focus on the positive side of your bodies, (spiritual, emotional, mental and physical) so that this process is made.
In the past it has been shown that the choices that were made in history and on a personal level has been one of separation, meaning feeling separate from other families, cultures, countries etc.
It is now time to find the positive points that bind people together.
It is duality of positive and negative and mankind has focused more on the negative side of nature. This has to do with the understanding of the security of the Creator’s love for all. Mankind has used the Creator to feel separate from each other, rather than a means to unite.
Religion was never meant to separate people as the word means to “bind together again”;. But mankind found a way of separating themselves from others even in the gift of this unity.
So strive to be at one with All people for you are all one – you are mankind – humankind. We made colour a form our beauty and you have seen it as a way of separation.
When you stop feeling separate from other creeds and realize you are a part of earth, that is a small dot in the Universe, that is part of many beings in the Galaxies, you will begin to see that we all are working for the same end….
Unconditional Love for everything. The Beauty of the stars and planets and the connectedness with the Life Forces on every level and on every planet in the Galaxies. Then the love and energy will flow and you will experience the joy and bliss and truth of your Being.
You are part of the Whole and part of the whole is for each person to bring in their own lessons and share them with the Whole. When one person interferes with another’s karma it stops both people growing for a short time. It is then that we guide you through a process to make you realize this. In one shape or another, freeing you again to follow your own path and not that of another. You see, we are all whole in ourselves, and don’t need another to make us so.
We find that we are attracted to people that seem to fulfill the part in us that we seemingly do not have and then you lean on that person to fill that need. It is only another person that will bring that lesson up in you so that you can see what is missing (so called missing, it is only remains hidden in your sub-conscious until you bring it out) but you feel that you must help that person from feeling of guilt or duty. These are human traits caused through fear or control over another person.
This is the lesson that mankind faces as it prepares to phase through into a higher frequency.
It is the way in which we open you to seeing these things in order for you to move beyond them. There are many out there that are helping with this progress and your guides will help you through.
The state of your beingness is being raised to a higher vibration so that we can move to another planet and help them.
There are many worlds out there, which will be and have gone, through the process you are going through. It does not make your earth less important and we continue to say to you that your raising of vibration does have a Ripple effect on the entire Universe and galaxies beyond.
Life on your planet is in a process of change and that change can be seen as positive and negative.
There are a lot of negative things that will pass away and a more positive world, attitude will prevail.
It is important that you all lift this world and have visions of this wonderful world, seeing it as one world, united, for it is creating that world, as you would like it.
Thought is reality. The more people realize that, the more we will create a world beyond your imaginations. It is the combination of all people creating this energy to this New World. To bring this world concept is coming into being. So create – love – harmony – peace and everything integrating, for it will come into being.
Leave the past and all it’s negative qualities behind for you are to release that from your being, your aura, your ethric beings and out into the Universe. It will be transmuted by your positive thoughts and life will really soar on this planet.
Your body is changing into the 12 DNA strands. We say to you if you are dealing with the Cosmic, The Universe and Galaxies, then you have the 12 DNA strands. Again you humans limit yourselves and think it is not in you.
Again we say create your reality. It is in you for you are all lightworkers, working for the good of all. You would not be in this time and place if it were not so.
Your crown chakra is your seventh chakra and is connected to all the rest. Your eighth chakra is 12 inches above your head but can be bought in closer if you need it.
The ninth chakra is within a few feet of your body.
Once the 9 helixes are formed, this chakra moves out into the atmosphere of earth to become more of an earth chakra, connecting with the gridwork. This is the link.
The tenth, in place will be in line with your solar system.
The eleventh will move into the galactic system and twelfth will be located in the Universe.
The 13th is Inter-galactic and Inter- Universal.
We will explain. If you are receiving information from the ninth chakra you will be in touch with beings on this planet, spirits that have passed over. The guides are in the hierarchy of American Indian guides, Egyptian, Tibetan, Incan, Peruvian, for example.
The tenth chakra is when you are getting information from the solar system, for example- Balin from the planet Saturn, it is interchangeable with the guides who are part human and part alien.
The eleventh chakra you will be receiving information from Siruis, Pleiadies, Andromeda, Arcturians. Balin also works from here, this is also interchangeable with the last chakra as there are many alien and part human guides here also.
The twelfth is from the Arcturians that contain in both eleventh and twelfth and are connecting force.
This includes angels, Ascended Masters, Sananda, Yogananda etc.
The 13th is also with the Ascended Masters, Ancients etc. as it is intergalactic. This is where the Galactic Federation works from.
Now all these guides are able to move through the vibrations as they too progress in their own path.
It is for the purpose of Guides to teach of the earth ways and the oneness of this density. So in order for them to teach this they have to come into that form to feel the vibration on that level.
They, at the same time will be, as part of his whole, being an Ascended Master who understands and is receiving information from Great Spirit, guiding it through to a level of understanding as one of their lives they had on this planet earth.
You are all Whole and have everything inside you; you are your own Universe.
You are capable of creating a World, a Universe.
Use that part of you that is from Great Spirit to give you the information from all the beings you are, to help you on your path
To a greater understanding of this earth and help it heal itself.
Third dimension is dense, it deals with emotions, fears and control and it belongs to the Third chakra.
You are to move into the fourth dimension, which is the heart chakra, and understand and be everything that is within that chakra.
But you have the ability in this time to move up and beyond all of the Chakras.
Study the Chakras and understand. Understand.
It is interesting to note that when we read auras, we are also seeing what energy is working with us at the present time.
If you were to watch someone channeling you would notice certain colours with certain beings that are working with an earth channel.
We must close now. The light is with you and we, the Arcturian are with you……… we are the light and you are the light.
The earth has been going through the photon belt for a while now, the last
time was during the Atlantean period…we are ready to be birthed into a new
spiral in the Universe…this should be complete by the year 2012…..
We will have shifted into the 5th dimension by then….
It is interesting to note that the spiraling effect we are going through in
fact is also what is happening to all the planets and stars in the
Our universe will be closer to the Galaxy of Andromeda, a star
gate just to the left of us will bring light beings from other galaxies and
therefore our knowledge will be that of an expanding nature.
I would not be at all surprised that being of other planets will physically be greeted on
this planet earth…if we get our act together and not be in the lower side
of our natures and shoot anything that we don’t know and understand.
There are many light beings that are far more advanced than us and will be able to
render us enable to cause ourselves any more damage,
But freedom of choice happens to be our lesson, what we do with that choice as well.
Those that wish will see more of the Universe and it’s wonderful light beings and
others will be oblivious to this, working in the lower side of their
natures, but they will not wish to see, awaken… if you like.
It will be the choice of further development of ourselves as individuals and
Ourselves as the Light Beings that belong to the Oneness, .those that take
the lighter steps will in fact help the vibration lift overall…
Sounds complicated but is very simple we all belong to the same vibration of
the Christ Consciousness and in that way we are connected through genetics.
As you know the genetic effect goes through from generation to
generation…the children today are far more intelligent as before, with
the inner knowing….
When we become seperate, we see the points that make us separate, the things that make us different, we then see this as a negative rather than a point of beauty. Like the flowers in the garden, each flower radiates beauty in a different way. It is because we have the different flowers that make this a garden of beautiful flowers.
The difference enhances the beauty of this wonderful garden.
The Harmonic Convergence is a gateway or portal to Yourselves. It is the portal to your Christed Selves.
The 13h Dimension.
As we move through the Photon Belt, we are lifting into the vibration of the Oneness with All Light Beings.This awakening will affect people on all levels. Aware or unaware, we will all lift in vibration.
It is the Awakening of the Soul and Spirit, combining the conscious and sub-conscious. It is the Higher Self moving in and through our bodies. We become pure channels of the Light.
With duality of your emotional state it is important to focus on the positive side of your bodies, (spiritual, emotional, mental and physical) so that this process is made.
In the past it has been shown that the choices that were made in history and on a personal level has been one of separation, meaning feeling separate from other families, cultures, countries etc.
It is now time to find the positive points that bind people together.
It is duality of positive and negative and mankind has focused more on the negative side of nature. This has to do with the understanding of the security of the Creator’s love for all. Mankind has used the Creator to feel separate from each other, rather than a means to unite.
Religion was never meant to separate people as the word means to “bind together again”;. But mankind found a way of separating themselves from others even in the gift of this unity.
So strive to be at one with All people for you are all one – you are mankind – humankind. We made colour a form our beauty and you have seen it as a way of separation.
When you stop feeling separate from other creeds and realize you are a part of earth, that is a small dot in the Universe, that is part of many beings in the Galaxies, you will begin to see that we all are working for the same end….
Unconditional Love for everything. The Beauty of the stars and planets and the connectedness with the Life Forces on every level and on every planet in the Galaxies. Then the love and energy will flow and you will experience the joy and bliss and truth of your Being.
You are part of the Whole and part of the whole is for each person to bring in their own lessons and share them with the Whole. When one person interferes with another’s karma it stops both people growing for a short time. It is then that we guide you through a process to make you realize this. In one shape or another, freeing you again to follow your own path and not that of another. You see, we are all whole in ourselves, and don’t need another to make us so.
We find that we are attracted to people that seem to fulfill the part in us that we seemingly do not have and then you lean on that person to fill that need. It is only another person that will bring that lesson up in you so that you can see what is missing (so called missing, it is only remains hidden in your sub-conscious until you bring it out) but you feel that you must help that person from feeling of guilt or duty. These are human traits caused through fear or control over another person.
This is the lesson that mankind faces as it prepares to phase through into a higher frequency.
It is the way in which we open you to seeing these things in order for you to move beyond them. There are many out there that are helping with this progress and your guides will help you through.
The state of your beingness is being raised to a higher vibration so that we can move to another planet and help them.
There are many worlds out there, which will be and have gone, through the process you are going through. It does not make your earth less important and we continue to say to you that your raising of vibration does have a Ripple effect on the entire Universe and galaxies beyond.
Life on your planet is in a process of change and that change can be seen as positive and negative.
There are a lot of negative things that will pass away and a more positive world, attitude will prevail.
It is important that you all lift this world and have visions of this wonderful world, seeing it as one world, united, for it is creating that world, as you would like it.
Thought is reality. The more people realize that, the more we will create a world beyond your imaginations. It is the combination of all people creating this energy to this New World. To bring this world concept is coming into being. So create – love – harmony – peace and everything integrating, for it will come into being.
Leave the past and all it’s negative qualities behind for you are to release that from your being, your aura, your ethric beings and out into the Universe. It will be transmuted by your positive thoughts and life will really soar on this planet.
Your body is changing into the 12 DNA strands. We say to you if you are dealing with the Cosmic, The Universe and Galaxies, then you have the 12 DNA strands. Again you humans limit yourselves and think it is not in you.
Again we say create your reality. It is in you for you are all lightworkers, working for the good of all. You would not be in this time and place if it were not so.
Your crown chakra is your seventh chakra and is connected to all the rest. Your eighth chakra is 12 inches above your head but can be bought in closer if you need it.
The ninth chakra is within a few feet of your body.
Once the 9 helixes are formed, this chakra moves out into the atmosphere of earth to become more of an earth chakra, connecting with the gridwork. This is the link.
The tenth, in place will be in line with your solar system.
The eleventh will move into the galactic system and twelfth will be located in the Universe.
The 13th is Inter-galactic and Inter- Universal.
We will explain. If you are receiving information from the ninth chakra you will be in touch with beings on this planet, spirits that have passed over. The guides are in the hierarchy of American Indian guides, Egyptian, Tibetan, Incan, Peruvian, for example.
The tenth chakra is when you are getting information from the solar system, for example- Balin from the planet Saturn, it is interchangeable with the guides who are part human and part alien.
The eleventh chakra you will be receiving information from Siruis, Pleiadies, Andromeda, Arcturians. Balin also works from here, this is also interchangeable with the last chakra as there are many alien and part human guides here also.
The twelfth is from the Arcturians that contain in both eleventh and twelfth and are connecting force.
This includes angels, Ascended Masters, Sananda, Yogananda etc.
The 13th is also with the Ascended Masters, Ancients etc. as it is intergalactic. This is where the Galactic Federation works from.
Now all these guides are able to move through the vibrations as they too progress in their own path.
It is for the purpose of Guides to teach of the earth ways and the oneness of this density. So in order for them to teach this they have to come into that form to feel the vibration on that level.
They, at the same time will be, as part of his whole, being an Ascended Master who understands and is receiving information from Great Spirit, guiding it through to a level of understanding as one of their lives they had on this planet earth.
You are all Whole and have everything inside you; you are your own Universe.
You are capable of creating a World, a Universe.
Use that part of you that is from Great Spirit to give you the information from all the beings you are, to help you on your path
To a greater understanding of this earth and help it heal itself.
Third dimension is dense, it deals with emotions, fears and control and it belongs to the Third chakra.
You are to move into the fourth dimension, which is the heart chakra, and understand and be everything that is within that chakra.
But you have the ability in this time to move up and beyond all of the Chakras.
Study the Chakras and understand. Understand.
It is interesting to note that when we read auras, we are also seeing what energy is working with us at the present time.
If you were to watch someone channeling you would notice certain colours with certain beings that are working with an earth channel.
We must close now. The light is with you and we, the Arcturian are with you……… we are the light and you are the light.
The earth has been going through the photon belt for a while now, the last
time was during the Atlantean period…we are ready to be birthed into a new
spiral in the Universe…this should be complete by the year 2012…..
We will have shifted into the 5th dimension by then….
It is interesting to note that the spiraling effect we are going through in
fact is also what is happening to all the planets and stars in the
Our universe will be closer to the Galaxy of Andromeda, a star
gate just to the left of us will bring light beings from other galaxies and
therefore our knowledge will be that of an expanding nature.
I would not be at all surprised that being of other planets will physically be greeted on
this planet earth…if we get our act together and not be in the lower side
of our natures and shoot anything that we don’t know and understand.
There are many light beings that are far more advanced than us and will be able to
render us enable to cause ourselves any more damage,
But freedom of choice happens to be our lesson, what we do with that choice as well.
Those that wish will see more of the Universe and it’s wonderful light beings and
others will be oblivious to this, working in the lower side of their
natures, but they will not wish to see, awaken… if you like.
It will be the choice of further development of ourselves as individuals and
Ourselves as the Light Beings that belong to the Oneness, .those that take
the lighter steps will in fact help the vibration lift overall…
Sounds complicated but is very simple we all belong to the same vibration of
the Christ Consciousness and in that way we are connected through genetics.
As you know the genetic effect goes through from generation to
generation…the children today are far more intelligent as before, with
the inner knowing….
Zionist Origins & Symbolism: Set, Isis, Osiris & Nephtys
The 4 primary Egyptian deities were Set, Isis, Osiris and Nephthys. Their initials spell SION, and if you take all the letters that make up their collective names, without repeating letters, you get “Hypnotizer”.
One way or another the devotees of the ancient Gods and Goddess have strived to keep us all under a spell, hypnotised into believing what they want us to believe, and doing what they want us to do.Original Article
Doc_H aka BigBean4Action aka Dr_Hemm aka LoJacker aka Drake Bailey aka HeavyMasObject aka imperial aka michael-hemmingson , micheal anthony gabriel Pabst Khan Khan david hammingsonway
beside his valery gray old crap from 1994 onwards,. and rest a his female imaginative characters…
[16-9-2012 15:30:12] Rakmeister राकईश:
&more viralness
(his crap main site ofc
his female clone Double
Former White Hat double agent , triple, quadriple
The · O’Hemmingson · Factor
The Original Moral Terrorist
more crap a him
beside more @lulz old and new
Michael Hemmingson, Ph.D.
1035 Seventh Avenue Suite 22
San Diego, CA 92101
his googlegroups selfproclaimed titles. he got hundreds a titles lolz and 30+ alters all in his single deluded mind, his other ip used from edu, and cover names and his tijuana ip;s all listed and posted in expose case -RA. you can compare, and send them to me also, and rest. but his case is allready closed, and rest is what he created getting back at him. hiw own doings,
Mike Hemmingson, Mathematician
Mike Hemmingson, Psychologist
M.D Phd Doc
Michael Hemmingson
Geboortedatum: 07-12
old m.h crap
go fapp some more, m.h
m.h the muppet story
*******Mike Hemmingson . .GoldfishFuckingCyberBimbo
and his fellownimwits in his delusional old games
[relayed to Anya] 2012
The · O’Hemmingson · Factor Formerwhitehat Mike Hemmingson
I wanted to know the truth. The real truth.
It’s a bit of a mess but good work! I have been trying to get to the bottom of this guy for some time. I really wanted to know if he was for real.
You deserve more credit than you have been given. And I’m very sorry for all the lies he has been spreading about you. I don’t know why people actually believe that ‘you eat shit and lay around in it’. He is the worse.
Thank you and I will share the truth out there.
◄ ♉ ◯ ϡ ▲ Na’-da Ta’-ur , A da’ma Ma’-jha , Jha’ fa E-na-Ka , Ṭoa (TD-OW) ℝha , ḗ-Da Sha , Sja’-Da Lha , Kha-Tha-ℝa ▼ ♮ ϡ ®➊ ❤ ℨ ►
All I can say is that when (if you’ve read much of my blog you know what I mean) the whole crap started with me, I occasionally ran across photos of people who almost resembled people I knew (but weren’t quite exact) involved in discussing the overarching situation I was embroiled in at the time (half-jokingly referred to as Squidgate). For example, there was a phony reverend somebody supposedly from New Mexico or similar whose photo closely resembled former anti-terror operative Larry Johnson (whose website I had frequented during and after the Plamegate scandal).
Overall, the method or practice of using lookalikes for various psychological purposes is known as using doppelgängers (named after the old German folklore). I had several more of those in real life as well during a time when I had been slipped a drug surreptitiously (an old and far more common practice than most people know, used to isolate people from their friends and family who think the person has gone hopelessly insane, destroy their credibility with law enforcement and any authority figure they should happen to complain to, and otherwise make their lives miserable). This was largely in December 2009 and for the next year and a half after.
More about what you wrote above, there is a software package that allows one person to create multiple personalities online. This includes being able to spoof IP addresses and having multiple instances of Facebook or other social networking sites logged in at the same time. Then, the one individual can make it seem as though they are an entire “gang.” He or she can pat themselves on the back or gang up on one other person. Note that this software is typically used by the intelligence community and Department of Defense (they say) to disrupt terror networks online.
I don’t entirely know what prompted you to post this. Appears there is something about “wish Michael” (and whoever else) would leave them alone.” Being new here, I don’t know who he or they are bothering.
However, this also sounds very similar to the harassment that R. Scott Bakker (philosopher turned mostly fantasy novelist, but definitely read his thriller Neuropath to understand why he was targeted) suffered in the past few years or so. Essentially a “Bakker’s a sexist pig” whispering campaign began online in at attempt to lower his ability to sell books like Neuropath because of Neuropath. (Spoiler: NSA and neuroscience are involved).
That’s it. I can, as best as anyone can do so online, prove that I am not any of those people. It is interesting though that I considered writing romance and sex books but as close as I ever got was the novella Learning to Fly (which was not very close at all and was an intentionally mixed bag of genres and ultimately not very good at anything but amusing myself).
My writing blog (which I make no secret about being mine from the harassment blog, though I try not to refer that other way around in the hopes I might actually land a writing job one day after my harassment ends):
Chris Knall (who apparently resembles Michael Hemmingson whoever that is)
today’s IP of MH/SecretAsianMan/Worfpoe also see ‘s website. as AUTHORITIES have been informed… also^. will provide agencies with all info if asked haha