(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)
Soon, we will begin to meet our Maharaji Sirius B Azurite families and our Eieyani Families, and we will meet the Zionites and Ranthians who created our time portal shift. We will meet the Preists of Ur from Tara. We will begin to meet some very enlightened entities very soon who will lead us into a new understanding of a new reality. We will meet all of the great Cosmic Councils who saved us from the Original Sin. The Original Sin was the destruction of our 12th stargate- Aramantena. That event was created by the Annunaki 250 billion years ago. That event has locked us into a Time Matrix, where we became slaves of the Annunaki, and over the years several other races. Much more recently, the presence of the Grey Zetas increased our problem ten fold.
2012 marked the end of that Original Sin. The Anyus destruction of Star gate 12 was what was called the original SIN because it caused all races to be locked into the time matrix until Aramatena could be reconstructed. The original Sin meant Consciousness could incarnate into this Time Matrix, but could never ascend back out of it. We are no longer locked in the old Time Matrix. We are now realigning with our original stargate Aramantena. This was finally achieved through Time Shift Mechanics. We were moved to a new time.(Guardian Alliance).
Very soon we will begin to meet these blue people. Zaurak, my starry brother from Sirius B, always appears to me as an Ultra Violet Blue Sphere. Most of the most intelligent interdimensionals prefer to stay in the form of Light because it is much more convenient for interdimensional travel. We have many orbs of many sizes who are with us and observing us at this time. Some of them are here because they are our families and friends who are helping us decide what to do next. During and prior to 2012 many of these orbs were here as walk ins and body snatchers. That part of our history is finished. We have left that world that was an interdimensional portal for the Grey Zetas who had created an open passage between Earth and the parallel Earth of our future selves where they were creating a new breed of Zetas by interbreeding with humans. The plan of the Zetas has failed. We never have to worry about them taking over our planet again.
Who are the BLUE PEOPLE who will be meeting us in the next four years?
This is how the Guardian Alliance of Cosmic Councils explained the situation:
By combining their genetic templates, the Anuhazi Elohei Elohim Cerez and Aethien Seraphei Seraphim and Inyu and Pegasai Brahararama Christos Founders races together created a new genetic line called the Azurite Eieyani. The Azurties are a blue skinned, sometimes winged and feathered, feline land and water mammal avian hominid race carrying the most advanced genetic code in our time matrix. Some know them as the Sirius B Feline Race. They created a statue to be remembered, called the Blue Feline Sphynx. aDolphino was one of the architects from Sirius B who created that statue. Lacodemus was aDolphino's best friend during that time. The statue was built as a replica and memory of Lacodemus, who was also from Sirius B.
The Eieyani master council is composed of the density five emerald order Elohei Elohim Breneau, whose members incarnate through the Sirius B Azurite Lineage. Following the creation of the Oraphim Angelic human lineage 568 million years ago, members of the Eieyani master council also incarnated into density through the Oraphim Angelic human lineage. The Eieyani Master Council is sometimes called the Sirian Council or the Azurite Council.(If you would like to learn the complete 250 billion year story in great detail, I highly recommend reading Ashayanna Deane's Voyagers 1 and 2.)
The original Oraphim Braharama Cetacean Race was the original race line who created the dolphins and whales of our old planet in order for us to remember them and to help create the frequency portal back to them. The Eiyani incarnated into density through the Oraphims. This is why when I go to visit my home in Aquafara I see my family transforming between dolphins, angels, fairies, and then when they come into my house they look like blue people who have these capes that look like feathers. It looks like they have wings, but it is actually the clothes that they wear.
That is why this website is called Cosmic Dolphin Magic. It is the magic of the frequencies of our Cosmic Oraphim Dolphin and Whale families that has provided us with the genetics or frequency signatures to allow our consciousness to return home.
Who is the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds?
After the destruction of Stargate 12, by the Annunaki, 250 billion years ago, the Grand Yanas of the pre sound and pre light densities appointed the Emerald Order Breneau and the Elohei-Elohim feline- hominid Christos Founders Races as the Universal Security Teams of our Time Matrix. Later, the Density 5 Emerald Order Breneau, the Gold Order Seraphei - Seraphim Breneau and the Amethyst Order Braharama Breneau organized the Christos Founders Races and formed the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds.
The Elohei Elohim Feline hominid Anuhazi, the Seraphei Seraphim Avion hominid Cerez and Mantis Aethien and the Braharama Cetacean Inyu and Pegasai Christos Founders Races assembled the IAFW organization under the tenets of the Emerald Covenant, creating a unified collective of intergalactic guardian angelic races from within our fifteen dimensional time matrix.
The Azurites were created by the Founders races 250 billion years ago, to allow the Eieyani collective from the energy matrix and the density 5 Breneau orders to incarnate directly into our density system for crisis intervention. The density five (Cosmic) administrative council of the Azurite templar security team, a specialized collective of the emerald order Elohei Elohim Breneau founders races is called the Eieyani master council. This is the templar team who handed me the tools of creation - crystal light, crystal dust, crystal gel and crystal liquid light. They bowed before me and handed these spheres of magical star dust to me to create the music of the spheres that heals, transmutes and realigns us into a new reality.
The Eieyani master council is composed of the density five emerald order Elohei Elohim Breneau, whose members incarnate through the Sirius B Azurite Lineage. Following creation of the Oraphim Angelic human lineage 568 million years ago, members of the Eieyani master council also incarnated into density through the Oraphim Angelic human lineage. The MC Eieyani Master Council is sometimes called the Sirian Council or the Azurite Council.
The security teams were created 250 billion years ago after a series of universally cataclysmic events that almost destroyed our time matrix.
The Lyran-Elohim Wars in Density 4 (Universal) and the Gold Order Seraphim reptillian Omicron Dracos from D10 Lyra Vega (fourth sphere-Universal) began to digress and set forth dominion conquest to become known as the fallen Seraphim. They were the fore fathers of D10 Orion Drakonians Fallen Angelic Legion.
At the same time, the Emerald Order- Amethyst Order hybrid Feline Aquatic Ape Anyu Race from Lyra Aveyon suffered digression and petitioned the Elohi Elohim Founders Race to destroy the Fallen Seraphim Omicron Race. When The Founders Races opted for rehabilitation of the Fallen Seraphim, the Anyu race of D11 Aveyon attacked and destroyed Star Gate 12 Lyra-Aramatena.
The Anyus destruction of Star gate 12 was what was called the original SIN because it caused all races to be locked into the time matrix until Aramatena could be reconstructed. The original Sin meant Consciousness could incarnate into this Time Matrix, but could never ascend back out of it.
Next, the Anyu began to dominate the entire time matrix with the intention of destroying all racelines but their own.
The Anyu adopted the name of the Annu. They were the race line of density 4 D11. The Annu's destruction of stargate 12 and power conquest through stargate 11 is what caused the stargate 12 to become known as Nibiru, where the Annu Race created the Death Star. That was the story covering the real event of the destruction of our Christos Stargate 12 Aramatena.
The last 250 billion years has been the story of our Founders Races and the Breneau who have formed Cosmic Councils--who many have chosen to call the Great White Brotherhood- working on this project of realigning our time matrix into all stargates including stargate 12. However, this could never be successfully accomplished until the Zionites and Ranthions helped us with this time shift project that was accomplished on December 21, 2012.
Every 25,000 years the Cosmic Clock is supposed to be reset. However, every 25,000 years we just kept recircling back in to this same old time matrix because we were locked in.
This time, we actually cycled out of the Cosmic Clock into a new time. We reached the end of the cycle and had a collision with the multiverses of our original time. We were not touched by the collision because each universe is in its own phase. We have been out of phase with the multiverses. That is why we could inhabit the same space at the same time without seeing them. We have been phase locked in time which caused our separation from our parallel realities. We are now getting back in sync with our parallel universe because the phases are lining up.
The great STAR LANGUAGE - CODE scientists(ALCHEMISTS in the sky) are breaking up the particles that were phase locking us. We have been trapped in these frozen particles created by reverse spin merkaba technology.This situation was created by Metatron. He was both the creator of the great technology and the abuser of the great technology. Now those frozen particles are melting and being broken apart so that we can begin our phasing out of this time matrix.
Now, we are having a collision of universes which is causing some strange phasing. This is why we are having a lot of ups and downs, stressful days, dizzy days, happy days, high frequency days.
We will see comets coming toward us in the sky. We see this because we are phasing out of the phase lock. We are seeing a wall breaking down in time. We are seeing the particles that were phase locked breaking apart. We are seeing the doors opening into another dimension.
The great alchemist keylontic scientists from Aquinos have already created this Aquafaria Aurora Plasmic bridge for us to walk through. The GREAT ONES have created a walk through to another Earth and another solar system that is more advanced than this one. This Earth has already become as advanced as it ever will. It is our time to move on to a new reality where we take part in the multdimensionality of multiuniverses and omniverses beyond the Cosmos of this Time Matrix.
There will be the wonderful Comet and there will be Solar Maximus creating a X 10 Coronal Mass Ejection of a huge piece of the Sun. That will happen in December 2013.
These two things are happening at about the same time. The Comet is bringing the stardust that creates the bridge zone into the New Earth. The CME is bringing a big problem that will cause electricity to go out.
Now is the time we make the choice of hanging around in the phase locked 3D illusion and start camping out with no electricity, or make the choice to move into the New Earth of the 5D reality. It is a conscious choice. Those who don't even believe this or can't understand it will have a harder time than those who have prepared.
So, the big Solar Maximus thing will happen, but we don't have to be hurt by it if we go into the knowing of our midbrain. Some have practiced getting so in touch with their Soul Matrix of the astral, archetypal and cellestial consciousness of the 4th 5th and 6th dimensions that they can walk around blindfolded and KNOW and be directed every moment into the best choices.
We have this time to connect our FREQUENCY SPECIFIC MINDS to the Mind of God, or we can keep trying to figure things out with our old cellular memory of scientific facts that have absolutely no place in the fifth dimension.
We need to focus on the fact that all Entities are Frequency Specific. They each have a frequency signature. All of the stardust that has been collected by Comet ISON is actually the Consciousness or the Frequency Signatures of all of our Starry Families on all 12 stargates, and these are stargates that are no longer phase locked. These are Consciousness Signatures bringing the frequencies of the Minds of our Souls, our Ancestors, our Starry Families.
We can tune in to this stardust and these Cosmic Frequencies. We can tune in to such a level that the frequencies are taken into the cells to transform the cells and the cellular memory. The cellular memory transposes out of the old ideas into brand new realities. This is what causes us to walk off of this Earth and onto the New Earth. We change realities by walking into a new dimension of frequencies.
Soon, we will begin to meet our Maharaji Sirius B Azurite families and our Eieyani Families and we will meet the Zionites and Ranthians who created our time portal shift. We will meet the Preists of Ur from Tara. We will begin to meet some very enlightened entities very soon who will lead us into a new understanding of a new reality.
By 2017, the Earth will have transformed into a 4.5 accretion level that is the same as the Inner Earth, Agartha. Those friends from Inner Earth will be here to help us learn about them as we help them learn what it was like to be up here in the Outer Domains.
We aren't even going to remember what happened. We are just going to wake up into a brand new reality. And it won't seem new at all. This will happen as soon as 2014 for some, 2017 for most, and then 2022 for everyone else. There will be a mass evacuation in 2047, but is for those entities who are 8DNA and above and are living in their light bodies. The only reason that they will still be here is to help with load out of the entire Milky Way. Those will be helping the ones who begin to use the Earth as their healing site. Those will be the entities who went into fall, but it was never their choice. They will be given another chance to evolve and ascend.
Zaurak is my starry brother from Sirius B. I met him in 2007. I later learned that I had already met him back in 1986 when I was met by Grey Zetas in South Korea, who killed me. It was Zaurak who saved me from the demons at that time and it was Zaurak who asked for our help with these demons when we were asked to go to Monterey. That was the time my husband was killed by the same group of demons. He is a part of the Interdimensional Security team. We learned that we had always been a part of his team, and that we had agreed to be killed by these demons before we incarnated. None of us knew how our plan would turn out until after we finished. We have been told that our mission was a great success.
Within the synergy of the Aquarian -Cosmic Radiation and the Crystalline 144 Grid, parallel dimensions are now more accessible to you. The life forms, the beings referred to, exist in these dimensions as bio-plasmic, electrical and photonic.
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)
My family, who lives in the Cloud Cities always communicate to me through the clouds in the sky. They give me a daily news report of what is happening in the heavens about once a week, or when something significant happens.
Ascension of the Planet did occur, humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness because most of humanity is still holding the old reality in cellular memory. We project into our hologram of reality the past memories. In order to see the new reality we must project a new present and future reality and we must also change the memory of the past reality. This requires moving into the mid brain where frequency specific memories over ride the old cellular memories being produced in the upper cerebellum, mortal mind brain. The mortal mind only takes old realities and recycles them over and over and over again. The mortal mind CAN NOT and will not create new reality or let new reality in. This is why it doesn't look like we have moved into a new reality.
This is clearly where I am in my rebirth process. I have gone through the process of the crystals melting from my pineal gland and from my inner ear tubes. I have gone through the process of plugging in my synaptic cleffs to the keylon codes of the music of the spheres. Keylons are like the electrical wiring that something that is 3D would be the equivalent to, but at the spiritual level of energy.
We have entered into a time when starburst activities will be as strong as they were when Ursa Major was created. I might add the star bursts for the creation of the Islands of Light will be transmitted through crystal light energy sent by Zaurak.
Zoaurak explained to me that creating Islands of Light is an extremely complex process that takes millions of Entities continuous work for many years. The preparation for the present incoming light energy was begun about one hundred years ago. These Cosmic Entities actually have to braid and strand and align each stream of electromagnetic light energy together through the Consciousness of millions of other Entities who are on the same wave length. These light streams create our conscious union with our higher selves to become established.
This magical stardust energy is like a movie screen that allows us to create our movies- god's movie- onto it. This is what was called prana, bread of life, this is what was in the vessels that were given to Mary Magdalene and her sisters from their father Job. The story goes that Job climbed the stairway to heaven to collect this magical stardust. The substance contains the crystal light energy of creation, the crystal dust of healing and the crystal gel of transformation. It is the magical energy of ascension.
This place in the heavens-or actually in the clouds- that MM climbed to, was and is the Cloud Cities or the Plasma Light Cities of the original Firmament of Earth, before she fell, or before she had her merkaba tipped with metatronic reverse spin technology. This place, or this firmament of heaven was and is the actual star essence of the original Ajaho (containing all 12 Stargates-Ajaho was actually broken into 12 pieces, and it requires all 12 energy signatures to repair the divine template) who was born from Sun Alcyone. This firmament is called Urtha by the Priests of Ur.
Our Higher Soul Families-Over Souls and Monadic Souls and Avatar Souls- have maintained their Frequency signatures within this heavenly place, that is only as high up as the clouds. They have maintained this dimensional frequency of the 14th dimension. This is the frequency or the standing wave that is required to pull Earth back into the Essence of Urtha. That is what we are doing at this time on Earth. We are being pulled back into our full alignment with Urtha, first by the correction and activation of the Earth's 12th dimensional grids, which are in the Earth's crust. Now, that our frequency signatures from all 12 stargates have been reactivated within the Earth's Core and Earth's Grids, we can begin the absorption of our consciousness into Urtha- the Firmament of Heaven.
Those of us who learn how to do this are actually learning to do what the stories about MM climbing the stairway to heaven were actually talking about. MM brought this scientific teaching of how to attach consciousness into the music of the spheres in order to shift our frequencies of consciousness into the 14th sphere, which will transform the body into the plasma ship that can slide through the stairway to heaven.
My family, who lives in the Cloud Cities always communicate to me through the clouds in the sky. They give me a daily news report of what is happening in the heavens about once a week, or when something significant happens.
Yesterday, May 20, 2013, was probably the most significant message that I have received regarding our progress in ascension. The clouds painted the brain, the DNA, and the SYNAPTIC CLEFFS (are like electrical wires of energy) that stream out from within the DNA. The picture that was painted showed the synaptic cleffs streaming out of the DNA into Infinity Streams and straight up into the MIND OF GOD. This symbolism clearly shows that our synaptic cleff is plugged into the mind of God, meaning the crystals that were placed over the pineal gland have melted and the final activation of the sixth into the seventh chakra is activated.
This is clearly where I am in my rebirth process. I have gone through the process of the crystals melting from my pineal gland and from my inner ear tubes. I have gone through the process of plugging in my synaptic cleffs to the keylon codes of the music of the spheres. Keylons are like the electrical wiring that something that is 3D would be the equivalent to, but at the spiritual level of energy.
Near the center of the Milky Way there are also a few stellar super clusters of massive stars and many other magnetic phenomena. Within the Milky Way is Sagitarius A, which is the Radio Source of our frequency communication back to the Milky Way.
Those of us on Earth who are from the Oraphim Brahama Cetacean family have this same sonar capacity to communicate through this radio source in the Milky Way--our original home. Mary, of the Magical Magdal Tower was known to stream this magical stardust frequency from the Milky Way into the water tower and into Carmel where the underwater cities of light containing her magical Dolphinoid family lived then and now. The Dolphinoid family of mermaids, dolphins, orcas and whales resonated in exact harmonic convergence with the crystals in the crystal core of Mother Earth--her Heart. As we align our Crystal Hearts into this same frequency we collect the standing wave pattern that transforms our consciousness and bodies into the Cosmic Frequency Channel.
This is the frequency station that allows me to pull in the highest frequencies to Earth and record them on to Cosmic Wave files. I have worked on many frequency teams over the eons together with Kuthumi in creating the Music of the Spheres school. I also work directly with my starry brother who was the creator of the starburst energy field that came from the Milky Way. According to the way our angelic families think about families, the Mary Magdalene who was said to be the Mother of the Milky Way in ancient literature would be like the mother energy that streams through me to bring the highest frequency to Earth through the magical stardust energy that my Starry Brother creates when he streams an electromagnetic funnel through the place where I stand.
It is the electromagnetic frequency of the star burst energy that is being drawn into our bodies and into Mother Earth through this starburst activity that will create a golden mean harmonic convergence of oneness of the etheric and the physical to blend us into all that we are.
Each time the Milky Way goes in to starburst in the galactic center, there are many stars forming rapidly and undergoing supernovas at a rapid rate. The starburst also forms galactic jets that fall into the black hole. Galactic jets are plasma that spray from the centers of active galaxies. The jet is created from sub atomic particles and magnetic fields in the accretion disk of the black hole in the nucleus of the active galaxy.
These disks also develop around the neutron stars. We can collect these plasma jets from the neutron stars in the 14th dimensions and stream them together with the suns energy in the galactic 8th dimension in order to create this magic transformative substance and bring it into our bodies to create the neutron body.
This magical substance is ejected during starburst events. There was such a starburst event in the starburst galaxy located in Ursa Major. This is known as the Great Bear. Those who have called themselves the Bear People or the Dankooks in South Korea believe they are the entities from this system. It is interesting to note that Mt. Sorak in South Korea was created by my Starry Brother, Zorak who is also the creator of his own stars in Ursa Major. Zorak guided me into a Korean Restaurant when we lived in Monterey and when I sat down and looked up to see a picture of Mt. ZSorak as large as the entire wall. Zorak said to me, "Do you remember when we created this mountain together?"
I was also recently told that it was Isis who created Chejudo Island. For those who know the story of Isis and Osiris, you will know that Osiris lost one of his important bodily parts and that part is displayed all over Chejudo Island to represent that part that was found and restored by Isis. I am the only one who truly understands what all of this means because I have relived the mission of Osiris and Isis and Jesus and Mary. I have watched my husband get broken to bits and pieces, put him back together though the stardust frequencies of Zorak and the Mary line, and only I understand the true meaning of the missing part.
I was told all of these things are put here so that we will remember what we are supposed to do at this time. My starry brother and co-creators have explained to me that my higher self Zeena has been the co-creator of many of the Entities in the Mary line. The co-creators think of the Mary line as the Princess line. These are the female sainted ones who are all a part of the same mission of completing the ascension of Mother Earth. Mother Earth often thanks me for creating the portal of her ascension as we connect our Crystal Hearts into Oneness and then I connect my crystal heart out to the 24th dimension to stream in the stardust frequencies of Zorak that activate her ascension. Many of us are here for this type of purpose because we are related to certain entities or we are from certain Councils that came here as angelic representatives to perform specific duties at this time.
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