Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Terra-Gaia Network: Why you should not believe in chemtrails and avoid gatherings

The Terra-Gaia Network – Monday, July 15, 2013 

The Terra-Gaia Network

SOURCE: http://terragaianetwork.blogspot.com

Why you should not believe in chemtrails and avoid gatherings

I have had the urge to write on chemtrails for a very long time, but things have sort of not been the time for it, but now is the time. Today I got an email which encouraged me to Join The Global March Against Chemtrails And Geoengineering – 25 August 2013. This post is a reaction to this mail and another event.
I cannot stress strongly enough: Do NOT TO PARTICIPATE in ANY demonstration, or any sorts of gathering of people.

Why do I recommend not to partake? Naturally you are free to make up your own mind and manifest your free choice, so here are my arguments against such activities.
1) Any gathering of people based upon discontent, fearbased emotions, feelings of powerlessness, anger, etc. are all emotions created by the holographic chakrasystem, and thus is under the control of the still present various negative forces.
2) All gatherings have lately turned out violently, aggressively or activated panic and ended in extreme negative energies, especially when the issues concern religious, ideology (as the belief in chemtrails and the conspiracy behind to extinct humanity) and other low astral energetic beliefs and thought patterns.
3) The whole chemtrail thing is a decoy for other much more vital and important matters, which I will outline below, but when you react and dive into this fearbased idea, you are focusing your energy towards the decoy and not the real issues giving your true powers to the shady blurry concept of “them”. In other words you are enforcing the low astral energies in your own energy system driving you further down in energy.
4) You will partake in a huge thought-form that is negative, fearbased and thus holds many lower astral or dark entities, which will suck on you from the moment you allow yourself to feel the negativity, the fear and the angst of “what if there is such an extinction protocol?” I can tell you that this is not the case, but there is something going on and have been for a long time, albeit the parallel Earth agenda is not in play anymore, cf. the first idea of mass contamination of humanity by the Voyagers books, but the idea have been taken over to control the masses in fear and to divert their minds of whatever there is truly happening.
5) There is geoengineering – the hologram is an engineered construction, thus in reality there is no such thing as an “environment” we need to take care of (naturally this is a statement with modifications; we can control the energetic levels of the hologram if we want to; whatever matter or chemical substance we touch is also energy and thus it is the energetic level we need to take care of; not the solid matter alone) – and the airplanes do leave a lot of pollution in the upper atmosphere, but this is at the same rate as the cars and the ships are leaving pollution, because any oil-driven engine will pollute the environment with its energetic residual from the kinetic process; also called “dead” energy or waste.
The lasting hovering contrails in the air have to do with the energetic changes in the upper atmosphere due to changes in the magnetic fields of the Sun and Earth, e.g. the hologram itself. The sky-line is getting lower, indicating changes in incoming energies from outer sources and this is the reason why the pollution and contrails do not “leave” as fast as before. On top of this the massive layers of CO2 are not helping in the process. This carpet of pollution is the real source for the climate changes along with the changes in spaceweather and the incoming cosmic energies; all indicating changes due to the stellar activation cycle which the negatives are trying to slow down. “They” do not need to spray aerosols into the upper atmosphere because the rise of CO2 hasalready done the trick along with the HAARP stations placed on five vital nodalpoints in the hologram. Humanity as a whole are the ones to blame for not taking responsibility for their own evolution and energetic systems, not “the secret government” or the blurry “they” as I have written about being a projection of our own shadows and non-integrated negative and lower astral energies in our energy system.
6) If you partake in large gathering you will for certain be exposed to the dark forces and their network of dark energy, which will be present in such gatherings. The whole purpose is to prevent humanity to rise into higher consciousness, following the SAC, and the old ways of showing discontent in gatherings are the worst type of energy work you can do. It is harmful, because – to really scare you – in such gatherings the dark forces are always the main energy level, being a part of the humans present there. The synergy of the group-mind (any gathering around a common goal constitutes a group-mind), the openness and readiness to claim your rights – for all the right reasons – are an invitation to the non-integrated shadowy forces behind the attending humans to connect to similar un-cleansed energies in other humans, making them grow larger by feeding on the synergetic energies of the crowd. Any popular fearbased idea or theory is always infused into the human minds from the dark networks which are able to grow out of our non-realized and cleansed energy systems. Thus you, when you go into the crowd, will be exposing yourself to high levels of implants, entities, negative soulfragments etc. which are all around us, due to many centuries of ignoring the state of the individual energy system.
7) The solutions are not to gather and raise your voice of discontent, or to believe in fearbased ideologies or to partake in any agenda based upon the “they or dark forces” – but to cleanse your energy system and not to focus on such ideologies. You should instead intelligently learn how to read energy signatures, the state of dark entity energy behind any agenda or theory of reality put out on the Internet. If you are to create a gathering that will make any real changes, you can only do this with people you are able to – for certain – proclaim as energetically clean; and do you know such people? If they were, they would most likely have left Earth by now.
 Places where bad things happens, which emits a huge burst of negative emotional energy, becomes a dark spot in the hologram, making the hologram staying in its low vibrant grid and delaying the infusion of cosmic energies.

Remember when you enter a group-mind of any sort, you partake in the energy of this group, and your energy system aligns to it. So you better be sure on how to work with your energy system, if you feel for this way of changing reality; but do you really believe it works? Do you really think that the so-called negative forces behind the so-called chemtrail program would alter their minds, just because you go onto the streets and demonstrate? When changes come as a reaction to a demonstration, e.g. as in Egypt, it has very little to do with the crowd; it has all to do with change of powers in the controlling forces within the political games. The crowd is only used as a tool, and is mostly created by the opposition in the first place and not the little man on the floor. The overall strategies behind power on Earth are way over our heads.
Which leads me to “the them”. Who are they? The Voyagers books, along with other parties arising on the scene at the same time, imbedded the ideas of alien agendas, dark brotherhoods and forces behind the scene controlling humanity – enslaving them – or preparing for a merge with either a parallel or phantom reality. Whatever was then IS NOT NOW. So what is going on here within the 3D hologram?
Until 2017 the galactic or cosmic energies from the surrounding manifestation fields are infusing lower Earth (the SAC), making it possible for us to alter our energy system down to the densest part, the 1D or bio-chemical level of our being. After 2017 the galactic energies withdraw and only the higher dimensions of the former NET-Earth are possible to alter or transform, thus we have work to do which is important for us, if we want to get out of the old NET-Earth areas.
The alien agenda, including various dark human brotherhoods, such as the serpent brotherhoods, the negative priestly brotherhoods and others alike from digressive areas of the galactic worlds are still trying to gather lifeforce (CUs) and higher leveled racial DNA. They are still present on Earth, most of them preside in the artificial 5th dimensional plane of the former NET Earth (now called lower Earth), which is not the same as the 5th dimensional plane of galactic Terra, just to make this clear – there are different dimensional planes to each manifestation field and thus not just one 5D, but manifold and each 5D looks according to the manifestation field being viewed or accessed. 
The different types of 5th dimensional planes in the galactic worlds are all according to the energy system and racial DNA you hold and whatever type of consciousness, you choose to evolve. Thus you can go to the 5th dimensional plane of the Kryst worlds, the 5th dimensional plane of the Pleiades, the Orionis, the Draco-Annunaki worlds etc. The galactic worlds are WORLDs not one world, but many types of dimensional manifestation fields where the humanities can evolve as they please following the manifestation field, its energy structure and possibilities. You see the inner worlds you are aligned to by your racial DNA and energy system, therefore there is no need for any claim of only one 5th dimensional plane; it would be the same as claiming that only Denmark existed, because I live here (in some ways it actually does, but this is high frequency understanding that the reality around us only exists because we enforce it to do so by being present in this area of the manifestation field along with other human beings believing in the same concept of reality.)
The old NET-Earth is an artificial construction built into galactic Terra as she digressed into lower vibrational states, fragmenting her into what we perceive as the universe, albeit what we see “out there” is a hologram controlled by the sevenfold chakrasystem like all of our perceptions. The true galactic Terra is something totally different – you might see her as a giant planet holding 9 original dimensions and three inserted of the digressive forces, thus the 1D of lower Earth is not the original 1st dimensional plane of galactic Terra and so forth. The original 1st dimension is the level of living geometry, which on lower Earth is viewed as the bio-chemical processes due to the digression and the holographic properties of the chakrasystem directing our consciousness into beforehand generated patterns of thought, placed within the collective consciousness field of the holographic Earth on the 4th artificial plane of this area. The 4th plane of the chakrasystem and lower Earth is equal to the 2nd dimensional plane of galactic Terra and thus the 5th artificial dimensional plane of lower Earth is touching the 3rd original dimensional plane on galactic Terra; I will return to this on another occasion.
The negative forces are forced to pull out along with the withdrawing cosmic energies, because of their digressive state. When the cosmic energies leave the lowest or densest areas of this manifestation field, our reality field or NET Earth with her artificial dimensional planes, it will only be possible to stay here for humans undergoing some level of bio-regenesis, that be either the “you know who” program of crystallization (frozen-in infection and permanently state of present level of consciousness) and the various other aiding programs being accessible for those humans who choose to do the energetic work, incl. the Panergeia Project and many other galactic programs.
Thus as you can see, the remaining forces have a lot of work to do until 2017, where the first section of the digressive is forced to pull out. Those are the lowest and densest beings and it is their doing, which we witness here on Earth for the time being with all the riots, murder, derailing of trains, airplanes etc. Chaos and malfunction of the systems we are used to utilize are the best way to make us lower vibrant, because we are dependent on those system to survive, and consequently the low astral entities and their brotherhoods using this strategy to collect remaining racial DNA (the racial DNA is not bio-chemical in structure, but purely energetic and is connected to the chakrasystem) by bypassing the cosmic energies when the individual human system is focused on fearbased conceptions of reality like the extinction protocol and chemtrails, or by real matters as the rising chaos in society and their systems.
We are being exploited, but not on a bio-chemical level; it is our emotional and mind-state that is the target. True; the bio-chemical levels can be altered by various sorts of chemistry which we see in the type of food that is being created for us. Drugs and similar substances, alcohol, anti-depressant and other types of neuro-altering types of medicine are also a weapon in this game; all aimed to alter our energetic makeup to make it easier to induce specific emotional and mental energetic spectra in us and to uphold the holographic illusion. So there really is no need for chemtrails, because it is already in the food, water etc. which we voluntarily take in every day.
And the general population does not need to be mind-controlled by HAARP because this is already happening through the slave-like lifestyle we choose by our own free will; working full weeks and not having time to think or feel into a balanced state where our inner consciousness could be contacted. The race for money, “love and sex”, true partnerships and happiness and similar diverting thought patterns induced in us by media, film and TV. Computers and Internet are also ways to brainwash us, make us react in certain ways and how we understand reality. There is no need for mind-altering emissions from HAARP (the five places those are placed) because we expose ourselves voluntary with what we see and internalize from TV and the Internet.
HAARP is controlling the upper atmosphere and the incoming cosmic energies and other galactic scientific purposes of the hologram, we simply are not intelligent enough to understand.
Whatever decoy you are being fed with, is to prevent you from altering your food, stop watching the news, stop being brainwashed by the programs on TV along with the very harmful radiation from any screen (why do you think the huge plasma screens have been invented?) and similar long use of mechanical devises from microwaves to iPhones. Whatever devise that is using electromagnetic technology is altering your energetic set up and thus your bio-chemical state of being along with your brainwaves.
The brotherhoods and the alien agendas are diverting you from taking the true choices of freedom with conspiracy theories of chemtrails etc.
Change what you eat, work with your energysystem, alter your consciousness, and grow your own food. Throw the TV out, only use minimum time in front of any entertainment using visually and auditory effects or make damn sure that the energy signature is benevolent, because both are wave energy which is the same thing as what you are made of. Mediate higher energy, cleanse your system, learn to get rid of attachments from implants, ghosts, soulfragments, dark entities etc. and stop taking part of the low life human conspiracy ideas based upon fear and powerlessness.
If you want to change the world; change yourself energetically on all levels. Free yourself from the human holographic lifestyle and brainwash belief systems. Learn to listen inside and receive intuitive information instead and learn to utilize the cosmic energies which are very strong until 2017.
Again – you are to make up your own mind – but please be careful.
cheers http://ollinstarwalker.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/the-terra-gaia-network-monday-july-15-2013/ & Randi 

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