Saturday, November 30, 2013



Shifting into the Silicate Matrix of Divine Reality

The reality that we have been existing in has been based on the electron and proton creating what we visualize as three dimensional reality. When ionization happens, we shift into a state where there are no longer electrons. The electron proton changes into the neutron reality. The positively charged ion that is created by ionization creates a new type of standing wave pattern. A standing wave pattern that doesn't contain the same balance of gravity that we have now.

The Comet Ison will cause an ionization in the atmosphere and in our chemistry. We will go through a conversion of electron atoms into positvely charged ions. That will be the completion of the harmonic conversion that started in 1987.

But, when it comes to the forethought of your mind it is from the analogical mind of god.
So when I command the sub conscious. You are in it and nobody but a force that is compelling those bands to spin. at a greater and greater and greater velocity. subconscious shoots a frequency into the bands and just by saying it, subconscious increases the electomagnetic flux.

That trillions of omni tablets will start to form so minute you cant see them but you are covered like a porcupine that the drilling into the omni filed is occuring that is the torsion field That begins to raise the energy of consciousess. This torsion field is actually in concert with every single atomic structure that makes itself known as a molecule or an atom or as tissue. That everything that is mass from its atomic structure up is NOW starting to spin.

That was the date that we received the message from the Guardian Alliance to MAKE GOD's MOVIE. It took us well over 20 years to figure out what that meant. When the ionization process takes place, the electromagnetic brain--the upper cerebellum, mortal mind, yellow brain- will give way to the mid brain.

If we were to place the symbol of a merkaba over the the forehead, we would realize that it stands for the electric- male- clockwise upper triangle and the lower female-counterclockwise triangle spinning into a constantly changing harmonic convergence.

Once the electric brain gives way to the magnetic female brain, we can once again make God's Movie. This means we can begin to manifest the new world the way we want it to be. As long as the male, clockwise electro brain was dominating, it was just recycling old information over and over again.

It is finally time to shift into the mid brain of transformation. The Comet Ison will be very helpful in this process. I have practiced going through this process hundreds of times simply by focusing on a candle until my mid brain takes over. It is a wonderful experience. It just feels like the world melts away. All of the social phenomena seems to float above the head and never enter in.

The problem with the state of focus of the mid brain, is the upper cerebellum--the mortal brain- is very stubborn. It usually only allows the state of the mid brain to take over for a few moments at a time. When the ionization occurs, it will become much easier to stay in the mid brain focus where we can Make Gods movie.

The Guardian Alliance gave us a very special gift that allows us to stay in the state of the mid brain for hours after we focus on the candle, in order to create the shift into the mid brain. The mid brain is frequency specific. So, the Angels taught us how to make this frequency specific music that aligns the brain waves into the fifth dimensional Blue Sphere of Super Conscious connection. The connection into the 4th astral, 5th archetypl, and six celestial consciousness connects into the subconscious of the etheric body. This  transforms the body from a physical body into a spiritual body.

Ultraviolet light from the sun ionizes or electrifies atoms and molecules inside the comet’s temporary atmosphere. One of the most common gases found in comets is carbon based. As the sun’s magnetic field washes across the solar system like so many waves rippling a pond, it sweeps ionized carbon  molecules out of the coma to form a second, blue-colored ion tail that is silica based or stardust.

The spinning rate of the comet and the particles that it brings results in ionization.

Ionizaiton is loss of electrons in the atom turning it  into positively charged ion. This is  ionization or ionic conversion, resulting in harmonic conversion, bringing us into a higher frequency of a higher dimensional reality.

The Sun went through this Ionization Process November 5th and 6th 2013.

So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasma of an omni field state positive. That is called a magnetic mirror.

The change from carbon based reality in to the silicate matrix reality of the blue ions create a shift in consciousness. The body becomes lesss dense. The chemical make up of the body changes. The biology changes. The entire solar system changes.

The upper brain is electric. It has electric fingers searching for data. The data must be something that is already known. The mid brain is magnetic. It is frequency specific searching only for information from the subconscious connecting with super conscious of the fourth dimensional - astral, the fifth dimensional- archetypal, and the sixth dimensional- celestial consciousness.

This is the shift from the use of the five senses by the upper cerebellum into the 12 senses by the mid brain. The 12 senses are the higher sensory perception of the Soul Matrix. All that was ever known, combining into a constant new wisdom flowing into consciousness. The sense of KNOWING exists because when our consciousness reconnects to the Super Conscious knowing of the Soul Matrix that connects to the Mind of God-- we know everything. We are in a state of KNOWING as long as we are connecting with this Frequency.

The spinning of the invisible merkaba is always creating two bands of frequencies spinning in opposite directions. The outer band always spins clockwise and the inner band always spins counterclockwise within the outerband. The outerband is the electrical band that is holding within it the Source Consciousness and all that is within it, including Cosmic and Universal Consciousness.
The outer band  is flowing into the body through all of the bands of light and sound. The spheres within spheres within spheres of the electromagnetic picture.
When that picture is made- that picture is what the mind of God is going to create. It will be created into Time and on the Quantum Field.

We must create in our minds eye the reality that we wish to create and the reality that we wish to live within. When we are holding that idea in our minds and spinning it into the spheres or the bands of light and sound, we are actually creating the idea.

When we become so absolutely that - when we become the thing that  we are creating, we have then shifted the dynamics of our Life, and our subsequent expereince of  it.

During this Divine Process there are other extraordinary properties that are going on. There is a great field that has been created from the within to the without. From within every cell in the body we go deep within beyond the quarks and the sparks into the omnions and microtubules into the zero point where we touch on Source Consciousness in the deep within and absorb the omnipresence and omniscience, omni intellience from the within into the without of the outer bands of light and sound, and from another slice called the Outer Band.
We  use the band of the long slow wave of hertzian and we are carrying it because we are still in the body, and we ride that wave throug the infra red and the invisible light and out into the gamma and the plasma waves.
As we increase the frequency then we can absolutely over ride the anchor of the mass that the body is. We over ride it through the frequency fields that are riding the omni field, which is the anchor.

This means that our body is oscillating so fast that we remove the anchor from the omni field that gives us gravity. When we over ride this frequency, we levitate. WE loose mass. As we loose mass, we can levitate . There is no longer gravity in our standing wave pattern that we are within. The mind of God holds us within a field of consciousness- the omniconsciousness of the omnipresent all knowing. We are held within the standing wave pattern of the omni, but within that standing wave we can move through fields of consciousness that allow us to change dimensions.

When we gain this ability, we can  turn this frequency in on their bodies, creating a torsion field on the outside and  the inside the body can become invisible.
When we turn the field on in the body we can de materialize and go invisible.

This allows the observer-- the god subconsicous mind to create the reality  and manifest it.
If you get within the spheres - the five spheres of consciousenss and  weave the webs of multi dimesnional consciousness around you and connect to the stars of universal consicousness, you become that mind.

Or work to see the entire blue body breath load and spin and breath load and spin faster and faster and then present the picture.
The ultra violet blue realm is the lord of the light realm. This is the place we go within when go all the way into the gamma and then beyond into the pre light and sound and into the mind of Source and then when we come back out we turn blue.

The realm changes us into the blue body that follows the Breath Source-- breathing on the spark or the idea to create the flame that manifests.

We are adjusting reality in order to remove the  neuronet that prevents the flow in and out of wealth. In order to over ride lack and to create genius is to create a new reality. We ceate within the Etheric Mind then bring it back into this body.

The sound is the bands. Electromagnetic field goes into a vector magnetic flux, a rotating magnetic field  creates a torsion field that looks like a tornado.
An electromagnetic field, and increased frequency begins to spin,and  the spin, creates a pitch in sound that is very audible in the brain. The pitch sound is drilling through or over riding or disolving transmutting the positronic clouds- the negative clouds electromagnetic field over rides a negative field and the positive field. As it does that, it acts like a drill.

If you take a piece of wood and say these are layers of electrical mass, All mass is electrical. Those that are not electrical mass such as hydrogen gases are a conduit to an electrical field. Add one more particle to hydrogen and it becomes a hydrogine engine.
 Gravity becomes relativistic in terms of the earths magnetic field.

The bands begin to spin the outer bands of the body have a cumulative effect on every cell and its bands and the cumulative effect of the cell upon all  tissue and mass.between tisue have a slight fluctuation, but they are all producing this enormous band width. We have one band that is the physical band that represents the density of the mass of the body. Then we have an outward band that is representative of Mind and we put the bands next to each other. and we see how mind influences the body. Let us say the block of the wood is the density of the body and lets say we are  boring through a hole. Now who is doing the boring The outer band the mind is the drill that is about to flux the inner band mass which is the piece of wood.

As we begin to spin these bands of the spirit mind- the highself or however you want to think of them
The mind spins and bores into the bands of the electrical field of mass itself.

As a hole begins to appear high frequency over rides static electical mass.

So as high frequency is applied to electrical fields of mass, then what it does it neutralizes them and over rides them what you see is a hole starting to appear what we want to do is bore

There are several layers of OMNI.

As the fields of stardust enter our atmosphere after Comet Ison wraps her tail around the Earth, the frequencies of the stardust will begin to transmute the cellular structure of the Earth's body and our bodys. The most important thing that we have learned over the past twelve years as the Guardian Races prepared us for our Load Out from planet Earth, was that STARS are Entities. The Star dust that will be coming to Earth is actually the very Consciousness of our Starry Families. This process of aligning a Comet that would carry the CORRECT STARDUST from the Stars of our TRUE FAMILY of Aquarius through the help of the AQUAFARIANS, who created the Cloud Cities, the Crystal Cities, the Aurora Plasma Fields that would capture that StarDust which is the Consciousness of our Families-- our OVER SOULS from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy.

The stardust begins a process of transmutation. The more we utilize the stardust and the Frequencies of the Stardust--which is the Dimensional Consciousness of our Starry Souls and OverSouls and even our AVATAR selves. The stardust frequencies will begin to help us use our Merkaba Spin rate to create spinning bands within bands or spheres within spheres that will change the density of our bodies and the dimensionalization of our consciousness. The stardust will help bring our consciousness into atunement with the zero point within our atomic nucleus as the frequencies allow our conciousness to melt the density of the physical into the spiritual self which is made of stardust.

This seemingly magical transformation that many New Agers, Lightworkers and Starseeds have believed in and talked about for decades might seem like a joke to normal people. When we talk about the End of the World, new light coming to Earth, the transformation of a population, the coming of Islands of Light and Blue People coming to meet us, the masses will call us crazy. And this phenomena may just remain a thing that they never experience. This realization of this transformation requires some work on the part of the individual to raise their frequencies high enough to be able to perceive the transformation taking place.

We are fortunate that we will have some help from visual phenomena and from scientists from NASA giving us some nice pictures to look at. But, if we don't understand what is really going on, it will just become another firework show of meterorites falling to Earth. That is not what is going on.
We already left the old Earth. We were already transported into a funnel of energy that aligns us directly into the 12th metagalactic stargate. We are being pulled into and toward this new reality of the 12 subharmonics of the 12 stargates. We are being pulled into the Essence of the Stargates. We are being wrapped within the subharmonics or the consciousness of all 12 stargates. We are being given back our complete consciousness of the 12 DNA raceline from Tara who were originally the Oraphims.

We can feel this FREQUENCY of STARDUST surrounding our bodies and lightbodies right now. We can feel it more and more every day. A dimensional shift is a FEELING. We must learn how to FEEL frequencies and we must learn how to absorb these frequencies into our cells in order to transmute them into the zero point that allows us to transform our bodies.

We learn to FEEL by listening to Frequency samples. Our website, is dedicated to providing listening samples so that starseeds can learn to Feel and Know and Discern Frequencies. We have spent over twenty years studying with our Guardian Races and learning how to collect these frequencies. We are always given the help of the Elohim of Hearing and the pre sound and pre light GrandYanas, as well as many other Starry Entities who guide us.
We have even created listening samples of Stardust and Angel Dust and Sun Alcyone as well as Cosmic Dust, Universal Frequencies and Source Frequencies.

We use the spinning of the bands that we create with the spin rate of the Merkaba to bore through omni trons omni ons, which are the pre cursors to electrons and protons and neutrons and we are going to bore through those, who in discrete units create a denser mass such as protons, neutrons, positrons electrons.

We must connect consciousness into the frequencies of the dimensions with the help of the Merkaba. The merkaba increases our spin rate by thousands of light years because it is the spiritual tool of atunement with the crystal liquid light of Source Consciousness. We must train our consciousness to grow into a standing wave field that is more powerful than an electron and it has to over ride the positive aspect of an atomic nucleus. We spin our merkaba and ride it down into the 14th dimensional sound and light field of the etheric inner Earth. This is the place where we can connect consciousness into the heliotalic frequency that allows our transformation. It is the same frequency that will be used to allow the stardust to flow into our biofields. The stardust will cause the atomic structure  to be polarized which would become the positive positron inside the nucleus of the atom.

The nucleus  has an electrical field, so we must  over ride that, which allows us to bore thru density with the use of consciousness and energy of a higher dimension whcih  displaces omnions and allows the delicate streams of  zero radiation, Once we have displaced the omnions, we can travel faster than gamma. We are moving at the speed of light.

We are now at the zero point of quantum energy and that is how we ride within our merkaba space ship.

When we ride in our space ship we must follow the crystalline grid lines which are the navigational tools of our new reality. We will have our Krystic Grid Lines which hold us continuously within the mind fields of Source Consciousness. These are the same navigational tools that birds use to fly. We will be held within a perfectly guided transportation system. This crystalline grid line is etheric, it is not the size of a freeway, it is more like a tiny little fish line. We must learn to focus on the grid lines in order to stay within that transportation service.

After we have asserted all of the omnis that create atoms, we can assert their inertia to over ride it by using the higher frequency to transmute the lower frequency.

When we do that we neutralize inertia. When we neutralize inertia, we neutralize gravity. This is the process used to levitate. We use consciousness and energy to bring in the frequencies of the dimensional bands that transmute the old fabric of space into neutrality. This allows us to over ride inertia and neutralize gravity.
The mass is always held within the bands or the spheres of Consciousness of the Mind of God.
We raise consciousness beyond the five spheres of this matrix into the sphere of Source Consciousness. This is where we ride our lotus and sit beyond the gravity of the Earth's matrix. This is where we go to retrieve the blue body and become the Buddha body. This is how we rise above the world of materiality. We over ride the mechanism of mass that creates gravity. We go beyond the material world.

He has risen above the world out of materiality. He has gained power.
He can over ride and sustain the mechanism of mass that is connected to omni fields tht create gravity and inertia. So as to go beyond the material world.

Lower cerebelum is primary in this action.
CE is going to involve the fist tour de force, second tour de force and eventually flowering of the lotus will be freqwuency.
If the first tour de force is chemical responsive, is tht going to do the job
But, in yellow brain, we have pathways that do connect to the second tour de force. The mid brain. Is a very detached center of reciever ship which information comes in unatached from emotion simply pictures of the future.

Which are infiltrated into the personality as substratums of here.
We get a feeling they should go or do this The personality is responding to as stimulous of the mid brain.

 yellow brain is chemical responsive it is not going to be the one that is raising energy in CE. ITs hwere we start we strt with a lot of resistance of doing this CD If I am a manifesstation coming through that band that is pure frequency and ultra high frequncy so I;m then not manufatruing chemicals.

In manufacturing electromagnetic fields of frequency. In a frequency filed what I see people as is what their bands are doing aroudn them. I can see fluctuations in bands. I can access the inner band and know exactly what they are thinking because I know the exactly the result of their thinking on mass itself. This is what you are doing.
The outer band is keeping it coherent. It is raising energy with force and as energy passes the third seal guess where the will is starting to come from the mid brain.

But, when it comes to the forethought of your mind it is from the analogical mind of god.
So when I command the sub conscious. You are in it and nobody but a force that is compelling those bands to spin. at a greater and greater and greater velocity. subconscious shoots a frequency into the bands and just by saying it, subconscious increases the electomagnetic flux.

That trillions of omni tablets will start to form so minute you cant see them but you are covered like a porcupine that the drilling into the omni filed is occuring that is the torsion field That begins to raise the energy of consciousess. This torsion field is actually in concert with every single atomic structure that makes itself known as a molecule or an atom or as tissue. That everything that is mass from its atomic structure up is NOW starting to spin.

The whole body is becoming pourous which is fact it is but it is held together with the deliverence of that frequency which is the subconscious called god.

We see that the bands are boring holes from the inside to out and to the omni and when it does its non gravity specific, so then you see what is inside the rainbow field this disappearing entity or appearing entity but levitating.

Or disappearing entity through a rainbow prism. Where is the rainbow coming from? Its coming from intense electrical field that is ionizing to some effect like a magnetic mirror which is a device used in thermo nuclear processes that is in the mirror is contained an intense field working in the vacuum. Then ions are injected inside of this intense electrical field and the time they are injected into an intense electrical field inside of the vacuum then immediately the elctrons of those ions return to plasmic state. What state are they returning to?

So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasma of an omni field state positive. That is called a magnetic mirror.

Ionizaiton is loss of electrons in the atom turning it  into positively charged ion. This is a ionization or ionic conversion, resulting in harmonic conversion, bringin us into a higher frequency of a higher dimensional reality.

It is 2013 , and we assure you that there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the coherent crystalline light of the magnificent New Earth. And we do mean magnificent.

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savant among you realize this.   RAMTHA- MIND OF GOD

Ionizaiton is loss of electrons atom into positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion
The outer band is the secret. It is flowing into the body through all of the bands
When that picture is made- that picture is what the mind of God is going to create. it will be created into Time and on the Quantum Field. When we become so absolutely that - what we are creating we have already shifted the dynamics of our Life our subsequent expereince of  it. During this Divine Process there are other extraordinary properties that are going on. There is a great field that has been created from the within to the without and from another slice called the Outer Band. As we use the band of the long slow wave of hertzian and we are carrying it because we are still in the body.
As we increase the frequency then we can absolutely over ride the anchor of the mass that the body is. We over ride it through the frequency fields over riding the omni field, which is the anchor. MEaning our body is oscillating so fast that we remove the anchor from the omni field that gives us gravity. When we over ride this frequency, we levitate. WE loose mass. As we loose mass, we can levitate . No inertia. no gravity.
Floating in a field that your mind is keeping in tact. Un interupted.
In order to glat you must sit inside of the luminous golden egg. golden merkaba.

The Golden Egg. As frequency lowers and expands wheever the occupant of the egg reduces frequency, the rainbow effect happens. You get the light glowing through a crystal and you get beautiful shades of color. THe colors represent the frequencies in which the egg is now oscillating at.
True mind over matter . Technology over gravity.
Over coming gravity within this field. The MErkaba field.
 When they come down they become white. WHen they go up they become blue
Then pink and gold
When they have this ability they can turn this frequency in on their bodies, creating a torsion field on the outside and on the inside the body can become invisible.
When you turn the fild on in their body they de materialize and go invisible.

Allows your observer, god subconsicous mind to create your reality manifest
If you get in the egg and weave the webs of multi dimesnional consciousness around you and connect to the stars of universal consicousness, you become that mind.

Or work to see the entire blue body breath load and spin and breath load and spin faster and faster and then present the picture.
What is the blue realm is the lord of the light realm.

The realm changes us into the blue body that follows the wind--the Breath.

We are adjusting reality to remove the  neuronet that prevents flow in and out of wealth. To over ride lack to create genius to create a new reality. We ceate in the Etheric Mind then bring it back into this body.

The sound is the bands. Electromagnetic field goes into a vector magnetic flux, a rotating magnetic field doesn't
create a vortex. It creates a torsion field that loos like a tornado
An electromagnetic field, and increased frequency begins to spin, the spin, the faster it can go creates a pitch in sound that is very audible in the brain. The pitch sound is drilling through or over riding or disolving transmutting the positronic clouds- the negative clouds electromagnetic field over rides a negative field and the positive field. As it does that, it acts like a drill.

If you take a piece of wood and say these are layers of electrical mass, All mass is electrical. Those that are not electrical mass such as hydrogen gases are aconduit to an electrical field. Add one more particle to hydrogen and it becomes a hydrogine engine.

Imagine a piece of wood- think of mass as electrical As we bore through the piece of wood , we are actually brinign through the polarity field itself. Gravity becomes relativistic in terms of the earths magnetic field.

The bands begin to spin the outer bands of the body are a cumulative effect of every cell has its bands and the cuumulative effect of the cell upon all upon tissue upon mass.between tisue have slight fluctuation, but they are all producing this enormous band width. We have one band that is the physical band that represents the density of the mass of the body. Then we have an outward band that is representative of Mind and we put the bands next to each other. and we see how mind influences the body. Let us say the block of the wood is the density of the body and lets say we are  boring through a hole. Now who is doing the boring The outer band the mind is the drill that is about to flux the inner band mass which is the piece of wood.
As we begin to spin these bsands of the spirit mind the self or however you want to think of them
The mind spins and bores into the bands of the electrical field of mass itself.

As a hole begins to appear high frequency over rides static electical mass.

So as high frequency is applied to electrical fields of mass, then what it does it neutralizes tehm and over rides them what you see is a hole starting to appear what we want to do is bore
There are several layers of OMNI.

We are going to bore through omni trons omni ons, which are the pre cursors to electrons and protons and neutrons and we are going to bore through those, who in discrete units create a denser mass such as protons, neutrons, positrons electrons.

This field has to be mroe powerful than an electron and it has to over ride the positive aspect of an atomic nuclueus. So then, it has to over ride the first creation of atomic structure which would then go on to be polarized which would become the positive the positron inside the nucleus of the atom.

Now we are boring into the nucleus because it has an electrical field So then we are over riding that. Finally, what we are boring thru to finally displace our origianl omnions to reveal the delicate streams of a grid called point zero radiation, and when we displace the monions, we go faster than gamma.

We are now at the zero point of quantum energy and that is what we ride on in a geat ship.

In this journey of the golden egg we only want to reach the neutral omni because we have dispalced inertia and we have to follow the omni on discrete lines. The grid is so tiny. But we have to follow the lines of the grid and any fluxuation means that this line of the grid has a whole new set of omni that stream from it that we have to ride on as well.

We do that in the golden egg. WE are riding on the grids and the omni bands are the drill through the electircal mass to achieve it. The hole that is drilled to over ride the frequency is called the tubule. omni helix centrical tube. The tube is raching the center of neutral source.

When we have done that we have asserted all of the omnis that create atoms. We are asserting their inertia to over riding it with the higher-transmuting lower frequency into it.

When we do that we neutralize inertia. When we heutralize inertia, we neutralize gravity. This would cause you to levitate in mid air.
All around your bands have bored holes into the fabric of space to reach neutrality.

When we assert inertia by over riding it we neutralize it and when we do that we neutrzalize gravity.
Is the containment of mass still in tact?

What keeps it in tact. We have two bands. The inner band is only kept in tact by the mind. But it has the power to drill its way out of gravity and inertia and become a free floating object without gravity.
The lotus opens and the blue buddha sits above it.

He has risen above the world out of materiality. He has gained power.
He can over ride and sustain the mechanism of mass that is connected to omni fields tht create gravity and inertia. So as to go beyond the material world.

Lower cerebelum is primary in this action.
CE is going to involve the fist tour de force, second tour de force and eventually flowering of the lotus will be freqwuency.
If the first tour de force is chemical responsive, is tht going to do the job
But, in yellow brain, we have pathways that do connect to the second tour de force. The mid brain. Is a very detached center of reciever ship which information comes in unatached from emotion simply pictures of the future.

Which are infiltrated into the personality as substratums of here.
We get a feeling they should go or do this The personality is responding to as stimulous of the mid brain.

f yellow brasin is checmical responsive it is not going to be the one that is raising energy in CE. ITs hwere we start we strt with a lot of resistance of doing this CD If I am a manifesstation coming through that band that is pure frequency and ultra high frequncy so I;m then not manufatruing chemicals.

In manufacturing electromagnetic fields of frequency. In a frequency filed what I see people as is what their bands are doing aroudn them. I can see fluctuations in bands. I can access the inner band and know exactly what they are thinking because I know the exactly the result of their thinking on mass itself. This is what you are doing.
The outer band is keeping it coherent. It is raising energy with force asnd as energy passes the third seal guess where the will is starting to come from the mid brain.

But, when it comes to the forthought of your mind it is from analogical mind of god.
So when I command the sub conscious. You are in it and nobody but a force that is compelling those bands to spin. at a greater and greater and greater velocity. When I am yelling to you they spin faster and then the subconsciousns shoots a frequency into the bands and just by saying it, subconscious increases the electomagnetic flux.
That trillions of omni tablets will strt to form so minute you cant see them but you are covered like a porcupine that the drilling into the omni filed is occuring that is the torsion field That betins to raise the energy of consciousess. This torsion field is actually in concert with every single atomic structure that makes itself known as a molecule or an atom or as tissue. That everything that is mass from its atomic structure up is NOW starting to spin.
The whole body is becoming pourous which is fact it is but it is held together with the deliverence of that frequency which is the subconscious called god.

We see that the bands are boring holes from the inside to out and to the omni and when it does its non gravity specific, so then you see what is inside the rainbow field this disappearing entity or appearing entity but levitating.
Or disappearing entity through a rainbow prism. Where is the rainbow coming from? ITs coming from intense electrical field that is ionizing to some effect like a magnetic mirror which is a device used in thermo nuclear processes that isin the mirror is contained an intense field working in the vacuum. That then ions are injected inside of this intense electrical field and the time they are injected into an intense electrical field inside of the vacuum then immediately the elctrons of those ions return to plasmic state. What state are they returning to?

So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasmaof an omni field state positive. Taht is called a magnetic mirror.
Ionizaiton is loss of electrons atom into positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion

Your scientist are aware of a unique phase of the earth in which most of your present biological life emerged. It is called the Cambrian Radiation. The Cambrian phase was one of great plasmic influx onto your earth, and it brought new life forms to your planet. Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution. ( Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution.)

This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons.

The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense.

The primary source of new energy on the earth is the massive injection of cosmic radiation on the planet from solar winds. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular , referring to it as the'Anthropocene Radiation'.
The Root Catalyst

The Cosmic ionization of the 'Aquarian Radiation' while perplexing to you, is the engine of change, and plays a requisite and benevolent role in the transition of the Ascension. It is not to be feared.

The radiation has done far more than rattle your magnetosphere and influence the tectonics and weather of the Earth. But we will add that it is this ionic penetration which is the absolute core catalyst for weather change, super-storms, earthquakes and the root cause of global warming.

Many of your conspiracy theorists may wish to place the cause of weather shift on humanity. We tell you it is simply not the case. Billions of tons of plasma has been bombarding the earth in the past 2+ decades, far more than any time in recorded history. To think the changes on the planet are caused by the relatively small atmospheric heater called HAARP is illogical. The technology to do so is simply not there. It is Solar Plasma ! It has shifted your earth and its biology previously, in that era termed the Cambrian Radiation.

We tell you that the ionic inrush is also going to affect your biology. It is the catalyst that will shift you from carbon base to silicon base beings.

DNA & New Life Forms

The Aquarian Shift, or Anthropocene Radiation will bring about new life just as radiation did so in the Cambrian Radiation some 580 million years ago.

What is occurring is not unprecedented, although it is unrecorded and not as yet understood. What differentiates the current radiation influx is that it is now in symbiotic relationship to the Crystalline (Ascension) Grid. (Windows 2012 !)

Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more 'tangible'. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurred in 3 formats: As clay ( Earth biology) , fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic) .

Within the synergy of the Aquarian -Cosmic Radiation and the Crystalline 144 Grid, parallel dimensions are now more accessible to you. The life forms, the beings referred to, exist in these dimensions as bio-plasmic, electrical and photonic. Does your bible not refer to Angels as Beings of Light ?

Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic 'jellyfish' phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you in various means, including crop-circles.

The more advanced extra terrestrials are nonphysical light beings.
The Radiation Influx & Genesis

Two years after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, a massive magnetic storm bombarded the Earth with billions of tons of charged plasma.

Your scientists and geophysicists have noted the effect. They recorded over 200 solar flares in 36 Coronal Mass ejections over a 2 week period. Eleven of these were X-Class. The Earths Aura, the magnetosphere was flattened to half its normal size, appearing something like a plasmic jellyfish.

The great magnetic storm created havoc. NASA lost track of space objects they were tracking, sophisticated computer systems crashed, oil platforms stopped drilling, global positioning systems failed, compasses failed, electrical grids shorted out leaving millions of people in Canada and North America without power. The MIR space station was abandoned.

This influx continued. The largest flare ever recorded to date took place in 2001, followed by 150 storms in 2003. More X-Class flares have taken place in the past 2 decades than at any other time in recorded history.

Unusual light phenomena began to occur. Rare red auroras were noted, auroras became visible during daylight, interesting phenomena of lightning called jellyfish, sprites and elves were reported more often than ever before. Crop circles evolved into far more complex designs, easily differentiated from the purported 'manmade' constructs.

The 6:1 Ratio Opens the Pineal

The astonishing ionic influx is symbiotic with the dimensional shift, and works in synergy with the Crystalline Grid. The new ionic resonance will allow you to more easily open the pineal.

Your academics have been aware for some time that shifting the magnetics of the ionic ratio has a powerful effect on human consciousness. The French scientist, Mesmer, was the first to stumble across this knowledge. He found that by placing subjects in a strong anionic (magnetic) field, the subjects were able to achieve incredible states of consciousness which facilitate communication with the 'Universal Mind'. We tell you this was done by ionic induction that opened the pineal.

Your indigenous societies often were attracted to areas they termed 'Holy Ground' specifically because they discovered visions could occur more easily in certain powersites. The reason is the mineralogy and telluric energies in these rare and special locales create an ionic ratio that is different, and allows for the opening of the pineal.
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Friday, November 29, 2013

The Galactic Terra-Polarian Network: The Road So Far - 29th of November 2013
Ison = still flying ~ onwards ~

The Road So Far - 29th of November 2013

Where are we now? And what have the last 12 years provided us with? This is a historical overall view of things I have learned so far from 2000-2001 and to now:
1) The rise of the understanding of the new children, the Light Worker wave and the new use of the Internet as a media of communication for all of those factions.
2) The huge cleansing of the astral plane, both individually and on a planetary level done by the Light Workers and the new children.
3) The awakening of humanity into a new type of astral spiritual thinking, making the esoteric knowledge broadly know outside the esoteric schools. End of full secrecy and opening up to gradually more influx of knowledge of larger parts of humanity. Instead of only few individuals knowing the inner secrets, the interested is now able to find all the information they want on the Internet.
4) Understanding of spiritual development on a broad scale, as well as the understanding of different types of energy systems, humanity is diverse on a soul level, and thus the diversity of teachings.
5) Understanding of the NAAs (negative alien agenda) and the PAAs (positive alien agenda), and the diversity of their teachings and the many factions that are operating on Earth and on both sides of the karmic networks; i.e. the dark network and the network of light.
6) Understanding that teachers can fail, fall and are under the laws of energy when they work respectively inside the dark network – very difficult place to work, because the hosts and inserted fields do not protect the teacher from the projections of the many humans still being under the control of the dark network – and inside the network of light. The latter being the easiest one, because the pupils here are more or less all connected to the network of light, and thus knows how to cleanse themselves and they do not project, expect and cling on to the teacher as the “savior”. They know they hold the savior internally; the soul in them and they do not rely on outer gurus, teachers, gods or religion.
7) The gradually change of interdependence of the outer knowledge and returning to the inner individual connection and understanding of knowledge from the inner consciousness of the soul; i.e. the galactic sphere of consciousness that is behind the human body.
8) Understanding that Earth is a mixed field of the Moon Chain and the Earth Chain. The Moon Chain is the remnants of the fallen Tara and its way through this solar system as it fell and connected to Maldak, due to the already fallen experiments with the infection done by the scientists there, which led to the explosion of Maldak, and the fallen humanities from Maldak, along with the dark brotherhood, ended on the Moon. The Moon is thus a fallen planetoid. The very fallen or digressive humanities from the Moon, now fully in what we understand as the physical form, where connected to the Earth Chain, of which our beautiful Earth is a part and the growing humanity present here, learning to use creational science. The connection of the Moon Chain and the Earth Chain happened after the fall of Atlantis, where the evolved humanity of the planet Earth digressed and fell into oblivion due to misuse of creational powers, as well as the life force. This is the reason and the rise of the problem of sexuality – which is not a natural part of higher evolution. Due to this regression of the Earth the vibration became so low, that the magnetic pull of the Moon Chain fused this with Earth. This brought the humanoids to Earth. Before this, Earth where connected to Mars and the humanity both there and here were solely etheric, astral and mental in constitution and had no physical body as such, but entirely under the guidance of the soul, the spherical orb of consciousness connected to the higher soul of the planets, an even larger orb of living consciousness, and the chain they belonged to. This was the beginning of the duality on Earth, the two networks and the very difficult school of soul regenesis this planet has turned into.
I remember standing on the inside of the network of light – it really looks like viewing the Earth through a large piece of glass, thinking: “Are we going into those primitive bodies?” This happened after the merging of the Moon and Earth in the first run through. Later on the dark priesthoods of the Moon Chain invited the NAAs and the result was the quarantine, Earth as we know it and the very poorly state humanity generally speaking are in.
Earth thus contains a school of evolution, and a dark school of devolution and humanity has to choose for themselves which path they want to partake in. The inner schools of light, under the original councils of the Earth Chain and the network of light (the Polarian Network) cannot force the pupils of humanity to change paths; this has to happen from inside the human, reacting to a call from the soul.
9) The dark schools work on the bio-regenesis alone – the transhuman agenda – and the transformation of the three lower fields, as well as the physical body, into a crystallized version merging the quantum level of the human body with the negative manasic energy of the 5D mental body creating a very heartless, cold and non-emotional humanity being all rational, and yet holding the higher knowledge of the mental planes.
10) The schools of light work on soul regenesis alone; the transformation of the body and the three lower fields into a permeable flexible and compassionate energy field into which the soul can re-integrate its sphere of consciousness. From here the emotional field – the one that is transformed into the level of intuition and Buddhic knowledge of the heart system; the knowledge of the “angels” or the devas in full compassion and following the overall plan for the evolution of the Earth Chain – are fused with the manasic (higher mental) light fields of galactic knowledge from the Polarian Network (and similar networks of the PAAs). Due to the compassion of the heart, which creates a certain substance, the 5th plane of the mental field becomes a merged field of both higher technical and deeply scientific knowledge of how to work with energy, force and living consciousness as well as the deepest compassion and knowledge of how to use this power according to the overall evolution of Earth and its humanity, being all connected to the soul of the planet – in lack of better terms called a Logos. A Logos is gigantic field of planetary living consciousness, intention and force connected to an even greater being; a chain of planets and so forth up until we reach the highest level of which we really do not know a thing.
11) The soul is a hermaphrodite containing consciousness from the feminine deva evolution of this present system and the masculine human evolution, from the last system and is symbolized as a six pointed star until we are able to connect to it and see clairvoyantly. On its own level, it is a sphere or orb of living moving consciousness, dynamic and very similar to the atom in our bodies, radiating different hues of light and force.
12) The process of transformation is not only the use of symbols and outside integrated energy of the NAAs and their teachings, but an inner transformation of energy, initiated by the soul, of the three lower fields and the use of the physical body as a vehicle to do “good” and make the outer changes on Earth we all need. The in-body experience is necessary for now, due to the physical energies from the Moon, but in the future the humanity of Earth will return to their original manasic, Buddhic and etheric structures of light, compassion and living consciousness, using the knowledge of how to work with the living geometric light (light language), the living vibration (sound and mantras) and the living light itself (wisdom and science combined into creational science.)
13) The Earth Chain has been given access back into the galactic communities of light and progression. The Moon Chain is being deported as we speak, cf. the stages of 2017, 2022, 2033 and 2047 where the 3rddimensional NAAs will leave in 2017, the 4th in 2022, the 5thin 2033 and the remaining different other types of beings in 2047.
14) The transition of the NAAs will deplete the dark network and make it easier for humanity inside the dark network to work on their soul regenesis, leaving the “Moon side of Earth” and return to “the solar Earth side”, but humanity still has a long way to go and if the NAAs and the leaders of the dark network succeed in their bio-regenesis program before 2047, the Moon part of Earth will be exported to other manifestation fields, undoing the merging of the Moon and Earth which will start approx. 2055.
15) The Earth side is being connected to the cosmic planes of the network of light and this is where we stand for now – experiencing a whole new type of inner reality, and a slow progress back into the original evolution of the Earth Chain, now understood as the solar system or Galactic Terra.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Krystalai: The Entire Human Angelic History

- Entire Human Angelic History
Image By Futureagesage.

Dear members,
This article contains a basic outline of the entire history of our Christic or Angelic Race line of Gaia, Tara and Earth.

Humans were a race of Angels that were put here on this planet to guard this planet and to protect the Earth's shields and to help restore them and heal them because they have been damaged by a group of fallen angelic races.

The fallen angels were originally a part of the normal creation, but they made decisions and choices that created a fate for themselves that was very unfortunate.

They created a situation by rebelling against Source. They genetically altered themselves in a way that they could no longer hold the higher frequencies of consciousness that connect us all to Source.
So, they decided to become masters of the Universe themselves. They tried to take over other universes and to feed off of them. For many eons this planet has been under siege and there has been a time that was waited for. It was a time when the planetary star gates - the portions of the planetary templar stargate that opens between this space time place and other space time places in the higher heavens. This is that time.

A stellar activation cycle is 26,556 years. Ever since Atlantis, it was known that this is when the next one was going to occur. There were plans made in Atlantis- on both sides- fallen and unfallen sides.
Now, all of those forces are back on this planet - the Christic and the anti-Christic. Both sides are here. Most people are asleep. They don't remember the Atlantian times. They don't remember the agreements they chose to be a part of.

They don't know what forces are moving them or moving with them or moving through them. This makes the people and the planet very vulnerable because there are things here we don't see unless we use our inner eyes. There are things going on that we need to know if we are going to maintain the integrity of our own Divine Blue Print and help the planet do that as well.
Those who do light work correctly because they have the genetic codings of the Angelic Human and the Indigo Races are assisting in running the Christic frequencies back into the planet in order to open the Star Gates. Angelic Humans are the keepers of the Star Gates. We are the only ones with the genetic codings that can open the star gates. That is why we were placed in a state of amnesia by the Annunaki races.

The original teachings of the Founders Races used the 15 dimensional structures to align our consciousness to the best understanding needed at this time. This represents the structure of the way creation is in this Universe. The D12 is the twelfth dimension where the Christos frequencies of pre-matter of the Divine Blue Print exist.

There is a Christos life line that links us all in the higher god worlds and to Source. That is why translations come down through the Bible that Christ is your savior and your link to God. It was referring to the fact that the Inner Christos frequencies align us through the pre matter template. We all have the ability to carry those frequencies in our bodies. It is our Divine Blue Print that links us to Source. The planet has a Christos frequency potential and so does the Solar and galactic.
But, things have happened to the scalar templates on this planet  over the 25,500 years so that the planet could not run 12 D frequencies, which made it very vulnerable to infiltration from lower angelic kingdoms. We are here to restore those Christos frequencies that were removed from our planet. Our bodies are the conduits that allow these frequencies to be restored.

The type of energy we carry will depend on how much we know about our anatomy. If we don't know that we have chakras that have a scalar template, and we don't know about auric levels and how to keep them clear we are not going to know what to do with ourselves. We will become easy pray for those living in the D4 astral plane. They might be using your fields for something that you don't ever know they are using you for. We use frequency shields created from Cosmic and Source fields to protect us.
The Eiyani Races are the founders races who are in Inner earth at this time. When we use the codes and frequencies given to us by our Founder races, we are reactivating the mathematical programs that are a part of the planetary divine Blue Print within ourselves.

When we use sound and light technology combining the frequency signature and code or symbol of the idea to be manifest, we collect frequencies by oscillating consciousness into the domains or the dimensions of Christic and Cosmic and Source and then bringing those tones of transformation into our templates - our physical spiritual bodies.

The more we use the light and sound to activate our bodies, the sooner we awaken to our 12D templates and our fifth dimensional selves that allow our multidimensionality of all times in no time.
There are things happening in this 15th dimensional system that have been things done by our guardian races to keep these chaotic things from happening. The fallen angels have never fully agreed to work with the guardians for our recovery of our Christic Template.

There have been many fallen angelics that have come back on board and then retaliated again and again to the dark side. The light and sound technologies are the beginning of remembering how our body and souls work and how to begin to  recreate the Christos civilization on this planet.
The Christos frequencies have not been on this planet for 208,000 years except for the reactivation brought by Jeshua 12 two thousand years ago. There was a stellar activation 25,000 years ago when the frequencies almost reactivated shortly.

Our entire history has been about wars and wars over land. The land that was fought over contained star gates on this planet and portals that go with them. The fallen angelics have taken these star gates and blocked them with metatronic radiation that would reverse them and spin away from source fields.

The blockage of those star gates has been blocking our bodies and our brains from the Christic Templates that were once placed within the Earth. Stargates were always on this planet. Fallen angelics have been fighting with each other for eons. They pick on races that they can make into their foot soldiers.

The Leviathin race is a group of fallen angelics who have been bred here on this planet. They were the result of an experiment that went wrong. The experiment was the Guardian races had allowed in the fallen angelic collectives and what is called bio-regenisis which is regeneration of their DNA template so they could evolve to get their Christos potential back. They entered a Christos Covenant which was a Christos co-evolution agreement. Certain groups of the fallen races agreed to be a part of the emerald covenant. They waited to evolve back into the 12 D Christos pattern. They wanted to get their DNA back to hold the Christic frequency. There were a small group of them who were permitted to get back into human form.

There was a very specific way that the DNA template had to be blended in order to create this evolutionary option of what was called a hybrid race. Unfortunately, the hybrid race worked well and it blended well with the angelic human template, but, certain groups of them motivated by their fallen angelic kin from other places decided to take over our planet.

They had an In to Earth once they got into human light bodies, and progressively they raided the human races and mutated our DNA to the point where we have nothing left of our memory of who we really are. We have had our light switch turned off.

We are dealing with a huge history of problems and a huge solution. There is the history of the Levithian Races , the history of the fall of Atlantis.

What is happening now is a part of what is called the Luciferian Covenant that was an agreement of the anti-Christic races and their Leviathin hi brids here to take over this planet when the next stellar activation cycle occurred.

We are now in that stellar activation cycle that is happening from 2000-2017. This cycle is happening now.

If we participate in this activation cycle consciously by knowing it is happening, we can become the new Christic race, reborn on Earth once more.

This time matrix began 950 billion years ago. The matrix was caused by metatronic science that allowed the gods to create and mis create realities that were not in tune with the Source Frequencies.
There is a huge connection between metatronic science and what became the Greek Olympian Gods and Roman gods. Both mythologies were based on truths that were taking place in Atlantis.
Mythology is a way of taking history and consolidating it in fairy tales with a mean sense of humor. Turn a collective of people into one person and then having this person marry that person--when in fact, they were actually talking about Race Lines of people.

Roman mythology contains known history of Atlantis that has to do with Metatron, Lumarian planets in Wesedrek Matrix.

Scalar Grid mechanics is the substance god creates with. This was knowledge that belonged to the guardians of the planet. The human angelics are these guardians. We were denied this info since Atlantis when a few people came in and took what didn't belong to them. The whole planet lost its memory. The science of the shields- the planet has a scalar template and every being on the planet has a scalar template that is connected to the planets templates. These templates circulate primal life force currents. They circulate the energy of god through the templates. The templates on the Earth are dependent on the Earth's template. The damage to the Earth's template erased our memory.
There were things done here to block the planetary scalar shields. They were twisted in ways that are abnormal. That shut off certain frequencies that carried cognition. they carried higher frequency information. They carried our identities.

If our DNA was working the right way, we would know our selves as Christic beings- as Avatars. Our bodies wouldn't die. We would not get sick. We could manifest instantly.
There were things done to the electromagnetic field of the planet to block our DNA. Working with the Light and Sound technolpgy is to help bring back the D12 frequencies. The Divine Blueprint has the ability to reset all of those misalignments of frequencies in the planetary grid.
Part 2

We can now bring through these frequencies for the first time since 208,216 B.C. This planet can run 12 D frequencies. That was way before 25,500 B.C. when it began to get really messy here.
There were a series of cataclysmic events that have happened here during our history.
We have these higher parts of ourselves that never lost connection to god.
Those carrying the Christos message are carrying the same message they have carried for the past 500 million yearsl It has been on every planet. They carried the truth about our connection to Source. They promise ones in certain races who incarnated as the human angelic race to heal this time matrix.
There was a thing that happened 250 billion years ago in Earth time between races that were the Christos Founders races. There was a time of Lyran Elohim Wars. Certain groups of Elohims fell from grace. They went through code convolution. Meaning their DNA templates became distorted because of inbreeding. That created distortions in consciousness and they started waring with founder races.

This was a place that was supposed to be based on freedom and co-evolution. It was not supposed to be a waring matrix. The problem begain 250 billion years ago. The original sin was when the entire time matrix almost implodded down into a black hole thanks to what the Elohim had done.
We are still fullfilling a promise.
Those who incarnate as angelic humans made a promise back before the human form even existed to come in and finish the healing of this time matrix. Earth in density one, Tara in Density two and Gaia in density three.
25,500 years ago was our last chance at a Stellar Activation when a race called Annunaki invaded Ionia and placed the Nibiru Crystals for control. It was anchored in Stone hendge, England and Stargate eleven area. They placed crystal wave technologies that work like microchip to get the control of the planetary templar. That began in 25,500 b.c. The guardian races were here. It became polarized. Those doing anti-Christos and those doing Christos being directed by Annunaki Races and the other the Draconian Races.

10,500 B.C. we had the Luciferian conquest when more dark forces came in to make worm holes in Earth. That created the Bermuda triangle off the coast of Florida. 9,550 Flood the deluge done by the Luciferian covenant and was orchestrated by space ships. The great flood was done by the Luciferian Covenant.

The grail line humans are the real humans. Not the hybrid humans.
The real humans that match the planetary grids have templates. We are the ones who have the codes that can open and close the star gates on the planet.

Any race that wasn't organic to this planet doesn't have those codes. There have been those who have forced themselves onto this planet in order to try and take the codes.

 The Leviathin race tried to build a master take over race that have more and more of the codings that went with the planetary star gates so they could, when they had enough coding in their body to run the templar the way they want to.

The Ionian people - Greek and Roman- the Tribe 5
10,500 B.C. Luciferian conquest Grail line humans were being executed and hooked up to technology to take their cellular knowledge out of their bodies.

In order to preserve the human race line before they became extinct.
The Leviathins would had taken over the planet.

The human races moved away from the stargates they were assigned to. Those in Ionia were guardians of stargates in atlantis. One is stargate eleven.

In 1992 the guardian races tried very hard to get the Annunaki to co-operate. The Pledian Sirian agreememtns of 1992 were supposed to bring the Annunakis and Leviathins together with the Guardian races to make a stand to prevent the Draconian Races from taking over the planetary templar and from that point the period the humand indigos and annunaki and leviathins would create a united humanity.

This would allow us to slowly bring back the truth. The Annunaki weren't too thrilled that we would know the truth about them. In  246,00 B.C. the guardian races made a promise that when the end times came they would tell the truth even if there was no one who wanted to hear it.
War is between Annunaki and Wesedecks and the Draconians who don't agree with them. Human angelics are here to hold the frequencies.

The fallen angelics are making choices of hate over love and war over peace.
An Azurite is a powerful spectator We are Cosmic negotiators.

Guardian Races have bigger space ships. When the battle in the skies begins its time to head for the hills.

If there are  ET battles before December 2012 and the masses know there really are ETs that is the time to head for the hills because things will get really bad in the cities.
When fallen angelics are no longer invisible and then mass populations are hard to control.
If it ever gets bad and there was a pole shift we would be asked to be an evac team. We were asked to get ready. Use Time projection to move to the future.

Jehova was a fallen angel from phantom matrix. Jesus was an Et birth Turanisium Jeshua 9 - the Joseph and Mary story was a Nephilium birth.

250 billion years Draconians and Annunaki have hated each other and have been waring with each other.
Image By Futureagesage.

Christic Realignment
We can't have the present structure of government . The frequencies dont fit.
They will link our time line into the Inner Earth time line and give us 2000 years of evolution where we can catch up with the selves we are supposed to be.

There are changes that are coming and they will affect masses of people. Each person that chooses conscious evolution  as a path and chooses the program to clear their DNA and get it activated to its highest level to get your bio filed your will help the collective. If a small handful of people do that they will be able to affect the race.

The races morphogenetic field and they will be able to help more and more people begin to synthesize the frequencies in their DNA.

Each one of us who works with these frequencies is giving a gift to those on the planet who cannot save themselves. Those who are spitting at us, insulting us, writing negative comments about our teachings, those will be helped by these frequencies because they have none of their own.
It is necessary to get a lot of awakened ascended masters on this planet for 2012. Those who are drawn to this are Indigo children who have potential of 12 DNA that Angelic humans have. Indigo children have 24-48 DNA strand potential. They can flip over the race template a lot faster because they can hold the collective field. Some Indigo children have awakened to know this about themsleves.

There are a  lot of people on the planet that are of the Leviathin Race line. They can also activate their DNA.

In 63,000 B.c. the Angelic Human was the original Atlantian Root Race
These cloister Races were Indigos. There were the Lyrian and Sirian and Gaian Oraphim human races that created the Turanisian 2 Races.

There was another Version of the 12 Strand human race during the  Atlantian and Lemurians. From those there was a smaller break down of the strand contract. They were the guardians. The Levathian races began to be genetically interwoven with our race and the all hell broke loose. Atlantian use of cyrstaline technology perversion geneticall raped an entire raceline.

This took the star gate system here and the star gate of phantom annunaki and plugged it into another stargate. That is what they did with Crystalline technology. The cycle of evolution has gone to its extreme of negative technology and now it must wing back the other way.

If it swings any more negative it would take down the entire time matrix stucture. Now we are re balancing the time matrix by bringin in the Divine Blue Print. That means we are in prime time for final conflict drama. They don't realize they are getting astral field implantation that will activate more of their reverse matrix coding just by going to metatronic workshops.
155,000 B.V. first leviathin race created to 63,000

Atlantis after Leviathin
Giving of the fifth angelic strand into the Leviathin race was done creating the annu mekelzidek race.
First race that looked similar to angelic races. they looked ape and reptillian like. They didnt look like humans. They came from the neandrathal pattern. After they picked up more and more angelic human strands they began to look more like human beings . Humans were 6-9 feet tall. This is where we begin our downward spiral. Several ET groups invaded. The Annu Elohim false creator gods created the Annunaki. The fallen Seraphim Races, Draconians and Reptilians got mixed in.

The Seraphim also created bird people. Original Elohim created Aquatic Ape from Elohi Emerald order were homonid felines. The original Lyran pattern.

The Leviathan fallan ones  were parallel to our matrix linked to us. The Wesadeks invaded us from the parallel matrix. The Ekasha Cluster of reality fields . Besides Wesadeks there were nine invader races. All of those came from the Annu Elohim and Annunaki lineage or Seraphim fallen ones and their Draconian.

First Annunaki form was bi pedeal dolphin
Later there were the Jehovian Annunaki creating the Adam Races - a race separated
from Source.

Nibirian Annunaki, Pledian Annunaki, Lucifarian Annunaki Not Jehovian
The Jehovians were Bipideal Dolphin People Annunaki
They combined with Seraphim fallen Draconians to form a hybrid strain.

Anki Mardek groups of Annu Seraphim annunaki Races. Anki Zephelim combined with another group combined with Marduk Satin family races.

This is where we get the word Satin from
One of the Draconian hybrids of Seraphim
They combine with one of the more hybrid retillian
Take a Zephelim and combine with Marduk Draconian and Satin family and you get a Luciferian.
The Luciferian was an upgrade of the Nibiruan Anu Pledian.

Pleidian Nibiru Annunaki are the Luciferion. This is the Toth group.

The Raider Races are from Pleidians Alcyone
and are called Sunjarian Luciferian.

They are the pretty Blondes. Nordic look was stolen from the Prosiacs
Nibiru Annunaki took Rome from Draconians. Eight pointed star is the sign of Nibiru and the phase locked merkaba

 Marduk Luciferain Annunaki Draconian group Jehovian Annunaki Race to destroy Oraphim Race. Once the Wesadrak agreement was made and they broke through to this matrix. The Oraphim were created after the Azurites fell Once that occured in response tothe Oraphim being created the Jehovian Annunaki created the Annunaki. They were the avengers of Annu. Their purpose was to destroy the lineage of the human angelics in order to take over the Matrix.

Annunaki were created and programmed fro the purpose of the take over and they were programmed to believe they were elite. They were made to believe they should be running this time matrix. They were arrogant. That was Toths downfall

Some dolphins are the Braharama Races. The cetacean races came to counteract the Jehovian Bipedal Dolphinoids. The Cetaceans were one of the three founding races.

The Annunaki races came out of the Jehovian Annunaki. They were bipedial dolphins with feet and hands they could go on land or water and they were density two race semi etheric.
The Noah lines came from the Leviathins from the Atlantis regions near Florida. These areas were where the raiding began. Searching for sacred sites control sites of planetary grids.

Iraq and Iran contain gates that are fought over.
Osiris and Isiris lines were Leviathin Races.
The Luciferian Conquest Enoch broke emerald covenant and joined annunaki
Toth had arrogance and Enoch did it to save his people
Jehovians and Annunaki Enoch was the leader.

Original human race was from Tara. The Adam Kudmum Race had several divisions  Adam Kudiam created the Adam Kadmon race by interbreeding with rader races. This is the path of Aramathaya the metatrons were started.

This was before the flood 9,558 b.c. 10,500 Luciferian conquest. When Enoch groups joined with the Toth groups, they created the Annunaki legions forming the master races. The Adam Kadmon race was created to take over the planet. To get rid of everyone on the planet. They needed to keep the humans to keep Earth from going into pole shift. They had to keep us here, but keep us stupid. The Luciferion covenant. The Jehovian Annunaki joining the pleidian nibirian annunaki to create raider races.

The Hassa kings combined with the reptilians. Adam Damon race was a master hybrid race that went about raiding other races. Noah and the Arc was Enoch taking people Toth led his people to take on the Metatronic Immortal Body rather than the Naural Eternal Ascension Bodyl. When Enoch combined with Toth they took a Metatronic Coding. Noahs Ark was the Arc of the Covenant
The Toth and Enoch only took those who were already genetically metatronic race andthen took them from Atlantis by boat to Giza where the Arc of the Covenant portal exist. He had the pass key tothe Arc of the Covenant portal because he had been a gate keeper and guardian. He took those people into the Arc of the Covenant. That was Noahs Arc. They took enough people and animals to reseed when they came back up We all came through the Arc of the Covenant to get here.

The Noah line later became the Abrahanm line. Toth and Enoch decided to go to fallen Luciferian agenda involved the Wesadek coding. That was when Toth decided to lead his people into Metatronic.
Elohim Braharama and Seraphim are the three creation gods of this matrix. Fallen Annu Elohim came from Giovanni family which was called Metatron. Giovani felt responsible because they created fallen annu elohim
Eye of Bahahrana
The fire sword initiation of AA Michael is a tool of Metatron to allow our chambers to get zapped with metatronic programming.

The metatronic shadow is fused with consciousness collectivenenss of Wesadrak Metatronics
We have a shadow that is a part of us that was put in recersal that hangs out behond us blocking the Source field
It causes polarity of our chemical organic and inorganic fields.
Metatronic coding causes disease in body. We can over ride this as long as we have one third of uor Christic life in us. Those doing the AA Michael Fire Sword initiation will become metatronic. They often use the names Yahwae and Melkizedek to get customers.

Halls of Amenti: 6 Time Portal passages within the Sphere of Amenti that allow for teleportation ascension from Earth to Tara when opened; created 25 million years ago.

The Halls of Amenti is part of the Kristiac Network.

All the Guardian races on Earth are considered Amenti Races.

Also connects to the star gates of the Universal Templar Complex through the D3- Earth Star Gate-3.

The confrontation between Guardian Angelic Nations and Annu-Elohim/Anunnaki Angelic Legions is about the destiny of earth human evolution and control of Earth’s Halls of Amenti star gates, and to do so, both need to take advantage of unique conditions of geo and astro-physics characteristics of the Natural Star Gate Opening Cycles (Called SAC – Stellar Activation Cycle) to fulfill their intended objectives.

The Next Natural Star Gate Opening Cycle is between 2000 and 2017. “The Final Conflict”

Opening of Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates is expected in the year 2012.

The portals (part of the Kristiac Network) within the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti are known as the Halls of Amenti. They are dimensional passageways one must pass through in order to ascend from Earth, out of the Time Matrix and dimensionalized reality.

The Halls of Amenti have been a closely guarded secret since the time of your inception on Tara, 550 millions years ago.

The Halls of Amenti for Earth were created 25 millions years ago.

(Each planet undergoes similar Sphere and Halls of Amenti creation at various other times, each set being named after the portion of the morphogenetic field it carries)

The Sphere of Amenti and the Staff of Amenti (Blue Flame), which allows the Halls of Amenti to open into Tara (dimensions 4,5,6) is the way you must ascend to fulfill your evolutionary imprint as soul and return to your Creator/Creative Source.

If the Fallen Angelic races can gain dominion of the Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates, they intend to use the Amenti Star Gates to destroy Universal Star Gate-12 in Density-4.

Destruction of Universal Star Gate-12 would effectively seal off from Density-5 Founders Race protection, 11- dimensions of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and the manifest life field would become “imprisioned in time” for Fallen Angelic exploitation and dominion, unable to fulfill the natural evolutionary process of ascension.

This is the core motivation behind the Fallen Angelics’ continuing Grail Quest.

To accomplish their objective of claming Earth and the Amenti Star Gates, Fallen Angelics need to possess the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gates tools (“Rod” and “Staff”) and to achieve critical mass population of their hybrid-human races, whose DNA Templates carry reverse sequenced Fire Letters.

Prevention of the Anti-Christos Agenda (Fallen Angelics’ continuing Grail Quest) is the purpose for which the Angelic Human Race was created 560 million years ago.

With the assistance of the Ra Confederacy the Ur-Terranates of the Covenant of Palaidor gestalt of consciousness/genetic and planetary morphogenetic field was entered into the remaining morphogenetic field of Earth through the 11th and 14th dimensions. This morphogenetic field of consciousness energetically took on the shape of a sphere, and was called the Sphere of Amenti, named after the portion of Tara’s morphogenetic Field that contained the imprint for Mu and its inhabitants. Amenti was the part of Tara’s planetary core that connected energetically to the portals upon the continent of Mu.

Image By Futureagesage.


The Halls of Amenti is a school, star gate, and cosmic energy vortex located in the exact center of the Earth on the Astral Plane. In The Halls of Amenti you will find a great assortment of Ascended Masters and Energy Beings teaching and tutoring  rising Ascending Masters who have qualified for training in The Halls of Amenti. Amenti is also the supreme energy vortex of this planet and greatly sustains, upholds, and repairs the planet in every way. Students of Amenti are taught the ultimate mysteries of time, space, alchemy, and the nine dimensions. An unascended human could not enter The Halls of Amenti without being destroyed by the much higher vibrational frequency of Amenti. Thus, only the highest Ascending Humans can enter The Halls of Amenti and this serves as a perfect self-regulating device (which is no accident) and perfect self-regulating devices such as this exist throughout all worlds, times, planes, and dimensions of God’s Omniverse.

12 BC - 22 AD

    The Azurite Council knew that in order for the races to be prepared for the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD, the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti must be restored by realigning the Portions of the Sphere trapped within the D-2 [Dimension-2] Earth morphogenetic field.  The Alcyone morphogenetic fields of Templar Melchizedeks and those that received the Templar-Axion Seal during Akhenaton's reign and were stored in Sirius B, also needed to be reintegrated into the Sphere of Amenti.

    Despite the failures of Akhenaton's campaign, he had successfully reintegrated the Annu peoples into the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, so a similar arrangement was made in reference to the Templar and Templar-Axion Sealed race families.  This time, not only would the races be restored to their place within Amenti, the entire Sphere of Amenti would be realigned with the original 12-strand DNA pattern.

    Realignment of the Sphere of  Amenti would allow all of the races to heal their genetic distortions in preparation for the opening of the Halls of Amenti, and would restore the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti so the Halls of Amenti could be opened. This realignment project would require the services of a 12th-level avatar, whose energetic imprint contained the alignment of 12-dimensional frequencies.  This 12th-level avatar was to realign the Sphere of Amenti and Alcyone morphogenetic field of the Templar Sealed Hebrew and Annu Melchizedeks, and he was intended to bring together the factions within the Essenes that had developed within the Melchizedek and Hebrew Cloisters.  He would also re-enter the original egalitarian Templar creed back into the teachings of the Essenes..

    Under the direction of Azurites of the Ra Confederacy, in 12 BC, the 12th-level avatar, a pure Taran Turaneusiam-1 soul essence was born outside of Bethlehem in a private residence, to a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hebrew Essene mother and a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hibiru Cloister Essene father. It was not an Immaculate Conception, but rather orchestrated via traditional means through a couple chosen and prepared by the Priests of Ur.

    His mother's name was Jeudi, his father Joehius; both were leaders within the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene sect.  The child's soul essence was born of the HU-4 [Harmonic Universe-4] avatar Sananda, and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek (herein Jesheua-12), who later became known as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph.  The personages of Mary and Joseph were not the parents of this avatar child, they were the parents of a ninth-level avatar soon to follow. Jesheua-12 was born to descendants of the house of Solomon, and taken in infancy into the custody of the Priests of Ur.

    In 7 BC the Elohim orchestrated the birth of a ninth-level avatar, who would serve to integrate the Templar-Axion Sealed souls of Sirius B, back into the Sphere of Amenti and restructure the patriarchal Templar creed to be more reflective of the Law of One.  This child was named Jeshewua (herein Jeshewua-9), and the stories of his birth to the Hebrew-Melchizedek Essene's Mary and Joseph are recorded as the birth of Jesus in contemporary Christian doctrine.

    Jeshewua was not born of an Immaculate Conception either, but rather through the visitation of an ET Nephilim, who, like King Melchizedek had been, was part of the entity named Jehovah. The entity Jehovah, who was one of the original contributors to the creation of the Sirian-Anunnaki races of HU-2, had worked with the Elohim since the time of the Treaty of El-Annu 848,000 years ago. Jeshewua's mother Mary was also born of Nephilim conception.

    Following the events of Akhenaton's reign, the Elohim did not want knowledge of ET ancestry available to the general human populations, so the truth of Jeshewua's birth was hidden within the story of the Immaculate Conception.  Through the centuries that followed the two avatars, the life stories of Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, plus another man who was not an avatar, became consolidated into one personage called Jesus Christ.

    With the birth of Jesheua-12, the 12th-level avatar, the Hebrew Melchizedek morphogenetic field in Alcyone was reintegrated into the Sphere Of Amenti.  Through Jesheua-12 the integrity of the Hebrew Melchizedek genetic imprint was restored, and he became known by some as the "savior" of the Jewish peoples for this reason.  The portions of the Amenti Sphere that had been trapped within Earth's D-2 morphogenetic field, as a result of Akhenaton's reign, were realigned and the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti was once again restored.  In a greater sense, Jesheua-12 became the savior for the races, for through his birth the Halls of Amenti could once again be opened.

    The realigned Sphere of Amenti was kept in storage within the UHF bands of D-3, now under protection of the Azurites of the Ra Confederacy.  At age 20 (8 AD), following his study in Persia and India, Jesheua-12 was taken to Egypt by the Priests of Ur.  At the Great Pyramid of Giza, while Jesheua-12 was between 20 and 33 years of age (8 AD through 21 AD), he and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes secretly orchestrated  ascension for various groups, directly through the portal passage of the Arc of the Covenant. (Ascensions conducted while the Halls of Amenti were closed could only be done through the energy field of a 12th-level avatar, whose bio-energetic field could carry the energy fields of others through the seals on the Sphere of Amenti.  Through the energy fields of the avatar, people could pass through the Arc of the Covenant, into the Blue Flame of Tara's morphogenetic field and into Tara.)

    Through Jesheua-12, the Hebrew Essene races that followed the Blue Flame Cloister Melchizedek Essenes were appointed by the Azurites of Ra, to share guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant with the Melchizedek and Hibiru Cloisters.  The descendants of these groups presently carry the full 12-strand DNA package within their gene codes, as this group was one of those chosen in 1972 AD to receive full-genetic realignment through interaction with the time traveling, hybrid Zionite race (see Voyagers I, p. 38).

    The Zionites were created during the present-day Zeta infiltration and were sent back in time to realign certain ancestral groups with the 12-strand DNA imprint, in order to accelerate the evolution of present-day humans.  The followers and descendants of the Jesheua-12 Essenes were one of the groups chosen for this realignment.  Groups involved with Zionite genetic restructuring are considered to be of Celestial Human lineage as they carry the full 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix within their operational genetic codes, regardless of their primary racial line. (The Silicate Matrix appears within family lines as a recessive gene composite, which remains dormant until it is called into activation via opening of dimensions 8-15.) Various groups within Root Races 3-5 and Cloister races 3-6, along with several other hybrid race strains, were chosen for this genetic realignment, so the Silicate Matrix is distributed at random throughout present-day human genetic lines.  The greatest concentrations can be found within the Hebrew, Melchizedek, Aryan, East Indian and Tibetan racial lines.

    During the period that Jesheua-12 practiced in Egypt (8 AD-21 AD), the second Christ, Jeshewua-9, grew in popularity among the families of the Templar Melchizedeks and Hebrew Melchizedeks who were not aware of, or interested in, the birth of Jesheua-12. Jeshewua-9 was also taken to Egypt for initiation, ascension training and ordination as a Melchizedek priest, and portions of these rites were conducted by Jesheua-12.

    Prior to his ordination in Egypt, Jeshewua-9 had traveled throughout Nepal, Greece, Syria, Persia and Tibet, training in various inter-faith doctrines. Jesheua-12 studied primarily in India and Persia before coming to Egypt at age 20 and his Templar teachings showed a stronger eastern orientation than those of Jeshewua-9. The training and ascension activities of Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame Essenes remained primarily hidden and practiced as a secret “mystery school” within Egypt at Giza and in various other locations.  The teachings of Jeshewua-9 became more well-known, which caused him progressively more persecution from Roman influence and also within some factions of the Hebrew and Templar-Melchizedek race lines who did not accept deviations from the original patriarchal Templar creed as set within the Jewish religion by King Melchizedek.

    When Jeshewua-9 was 32 years old (25 AD), with the assistance of supportive Templar Melchizedek Essenes, the Elohim exiled Jeshewua-9, his wife (the woman who came to be known as Mary Magdalene in Biblical reference), and their three children to the territories of France, to avoid political persecution.

    Another man, by the name of Arihabi, who was a Jerusalem-bom Hebrew-Annu-Melchizedek, was led by the Elohim, through a series of visions, to believe that he was the true Jeshewua-9, and this is the man who was crucified. Neither of the avatar Christs [was] crucified, and both of them left genetic family lines within the Hebrew-Melchizedek races. The sacrifice of Arihabi was orchestrated to divert attention away from Jeshewua-9, his family and his lineage. The resurrection of the “body of Christ”/Arihabi, was orchestrated by the Elohim through the use of holographic inserts, but Arihabi was indeed resurrected following the holographic display. In return for his assistance in diverting attention from Jeshewua-9, the body of Arihabi was restored to life by the Elohim, even though he was not an avatar. He was then taken to India, where he lived for another 30 years.  Upon his natural death, Arihabi’s soul essence was ascended to Sirius B through the Third Eye of Horus portal bridge. After his ascension to Sirius B, the Elohim granted him special favor and adjusted his energy field so he could ascend to the Sirius star system in HU-2 via the planetary core of Sirius A in HU-1.

    The story of Jesus Christ as it is known in contemporary times, evolved through the mythology the Elohim used to conceal the identity of their avatar, Jeshewua-9, and to perpetuate their patriarchal slant on the Templar Creed. The distortions of the true facts of history were used to protect the lineage of Jeshewua-9 from political persecution, making it appear as if the Christ had no descendants, thereby allowing those descendants to remain obscured from the public view.

    The teachings of Jeshewua-9 and the Templar Melchizedeks became the primary foundations for both the contemporary Jewish and Christian faiths, but the Jewish religion did not acknowledge Jeshewua-9 as their savior.  In truth, Jesheua-12 was the true savior of the Jewish peoples, for he re-entered their race morphogenetic field into the Sphere of Amenti.  Few people knew of Jesheua-12 and his Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene ascension school, so the majority of the Hebrew people did not realize that their foretold Messiah had, indeed, arrived.  Even though Jesheua-12’s accomplishments went unnoticed by the majority of the Hebrew people the restoration of their genetic development was valid - an unseen gift to the Hebrew peoples for which Jesheua-12 did not receive credit.

    Between 8 AD and 21 AD, while Jesheua-12 practiced ascension rites at Giza, several expeditions were made by Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes. They traveled throughout Egypt and Nubia and into Jerusalem, promoting the original Templar teachings of ascension and gathering together groups of people to take to Giza for ascension.

    Plans were made to perpetuate the Jesheua-12 lineage, which carried the full 12-strand DNA imprint, and six women of various Melchizedek Cloister sub-races were chosen to bring forth the children of Jesheua-12, the First Christ.  Couples were chosen to serve as guardians of these children.  Each of the six females to receive the seed of Jesheua-12 was matched to a male Blue Flame Melchizedek who would serve as adoptive father to the child of Jesheua-12.  Jesheua-12 did not interact directly with the raising of these children, nor did he serve as husband to any of the six women chosen to carry his seed. The children were created through sacred procreative rites for the sole purpose of perpetuating the 12-strand DNA pattern within the human races.

    Descendants of these children spread throughout the various regions, some appearing within the French Aristocracies, others within the Celtic, Egyptian and African genetic lines. One line of the descendants of Jesheua-12 now resides within the continental United States. Of the six families of Jesheua-12 that were seeded between 18 AD and 23 AD, five of the children survived to bring the 12-strand DNA lineage into the contemporary human gene pool.

    The lineage of Jeshewua-9’s three children also prospered and spread throughout various nations to the present day. In his later years, Jeshewua-9 traveled to Tibet, where, with the help of the Elohim, he ascended out of matter in 47 AD to HU-3 [Harmonic Universe-3], through the portion of Tara’s morphogenetic field stored within the planetary core of Venus. (This ascension passage requires a tenth-strand DNA imprint, and is thus not available to most humans, without direct assistance and DNA reconstruction by the Elohim, Azurtes or other HU-2 guardian groups.)

    The teachings of Jesheua-12 were highly censored by Templar Melchizedeks who later came into political prominence, and were kept alive through the secret mystery schools that evolved throughout Europe, Egypt, the Middle East and in certain parts of China and Indonesia. The teachings of Jesheua-12 were originally included in the manuscripts that became the Christian Bible, but were distorted or edited entirely at various times, to suit the needs of the power elite within the evolving political-religious machine.

    Eventually the teachings were banned by the early Christian churches, for they disclosed the identity and tactics of the Elohim and other ET groups, and told of the divisions within the Melchizedek Templar Creed. Very few of the original Jesheua-12 teachings have survived into the present time, though there are remnants of these teachings secretly preserved in France, that will one day be discovered. The original teachings of Jeshewua-9 were also distorted and misrepresented through political and religious structures of various times.

    The teachings of contemporary Christianity, though they provide a basic structure upon which social organization and spiritual initiation can be built, reflect little of the depth, content or meaning of the original teachings of the avatar Christs.

    Following the establishment of Jesheua-12’s lineage (18 AD – 23 AD) the avatar had completed his work on Earth. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks carried on his teaching legacy and became the primary keepers of the secrets of the Arc of the Covenant and the Sphere of Amenti. Various groups were assigned various portions of the whole story, with no one group having the entire chronology of the teachings of Jesheua-12.

    Jesheua-12 left Earth through the Arc of the Covenant at 39 years of age in 27 AD. He did not die, but rather bodily ascended to Tara, and has since evolved far beyond the confines of physical matter. The Arc of the Covenant was resealed within the UHF bands of D-3 following his ascension, awaiting the time when Earth’s grid rose high enough in vibration to allow for the return of the Sphere of Amenti, which was scheduled to occur before the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD.

    The Azurite Council, Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and their many supporters maintained a stance of non-interference following the success of Jesheua-12’s mission. They allowed the Elohim and other Host Matrix Families to direct the course of earthly events as they desired, knowing that the truth of the Templar and the Law of One, as upheld by the Blue Flame Melchizedeks and Priests of Ur, would eventually come to light within the evolving human consciousness. The Azurites planned to wait until the return of the Sphere of Amenti to Earth’s core before bringing this knowledge back into the public domain, and in the meantime hoped to unite the Melchizedeks within the teachings of the sacred Law of One.

    Though Jesheua-12 had successfully aligned the race morphogenetic field at Amenti with the original 12-strand DNA imprint, most of the races still carried traces of genetic distortions from the Templar and Templar-Axion Seals, which would need to be cleared prior to the opening of the Halls of Amenti. The Elohim, Templar Melchizedeks, Blue Flame Melchizedeks and many other unrelated Host Matrix groups have assisted, and continue to assist, many individuals in clearing their genetic codes in preparation for ascension.

    All present-day ideologies that teach conscious evolution, and DNA activation and transmutation, are geared toward this purpose, including the new information currently being provided by various guardian ET and metaterrestrial forces.  Jesheua-12, the 12th-level Turaneusiam avatar from Tara, fulfilled his purposes on Earth. Through him the Sphere of Amenti was made ready for re-entry into Earth’s core, following which the Halls of Amenti would eventually be opened. The race morphogenetic field had been reunited, so following the opening of the Halls of Amenti, all souls could again ascend through Amenti, once their genetic imprint had evolved to assemble the fourth and fifth DNA strand. The plan for preparing the races for the 2017 AD ascension wave was put back on schedule. Since 27 AD, when the avatar Jesheua-12 ascended, the races of Earth evolved under the primary influence of the Elohim and various other Host Matrix groups not associated with the Christian and Jewish perspectives.

    Through the achievements of Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, the primary morphogenetic imprint for all of the races was returned to the Sphere of Amenti, and the Sphere of Amenti was once again made whole. These accomplishments set the stage for mass ascension, but the races still had a long way to go in healing and evolving their consciousness and genetic codes.

    The Frequency Fence quarantine (UHF D-3 seal) still blocked Earth from open relations with the inter-stellar communities.  The Arc of the Covenant D-5 security seal kept all but the Melchizedek race strains from bodily ascension. The races still carried portions of the Amenti Seal (DNA strands one, two and three mutation, anti-particle “death” seal), the Palaidorian Seal (DNA strands two and three mutation, D-4 seal), the Templar Seal (DNA strands two, four and five mutation, D-6 seal) and the Templar-Axion Seal (DNA strands one, five and six mutation, D-7 seal); the “666” seal) within their genetic codes and the memory  of the human lineage still remained locked away within the Sphere of Amenti in the UHF bands of the third dimension. These conditions would have to evolve and heal before humanity would be prepared to face the ascension wave of 2017 AD.

    Throughout the evolution of the races, guardian races attempted to awaken humanity to the reality of its evolutionary destiny. All of the major Earth religions were seeded at one time or another by guardian groups, to help the races prepare for their eventual ascension out of HU-1. Though the teachings are often quite different or seemingly contradictory and all religions have suffered manipulation and distortion at the hands of man and covert intruder ET forces, they are united through their original purpose of achieving ascension and freedom from the illusions of matter.

    The secrets of Amenti were ultimately kept under the protection of the Blue Flame Cloister Melchizedeks and the Hebrew Essenes who followed them, but the reality of Amenti belongs to all of the races and world religions. The Sphere of Amenti, Arc of the Covenant and Halls of Amenti represent the manifestation of the Covenant of Palaidor, which holds the evolutionary promise and progression for all races of the human lineage. It is the promise of humanity returning to the integrity of the Immortal God-being that is the original morphogenetic imprint of the human race.

    The promise of ascension is the hidden heritage and legacy of the human condition, the fulfillment of humanity’s evolutionary blueprint.
The GA represents a smaller, specialized group, and primary task force, within a greater Guardian Organization called the Inter-dimensional Associations of Free Worlds. (IAFW) created 568 million years ago after the Angelic Wars.

(See: Angelic Humans, Indigo Children)

The GA is a co-operative organization through which an enormous variety of different interstellar, multi-dimensional and inter-time species and races work together to assist in the evolution of developing cultures throughout the multi-dimensional universe.

Their mission is to protect and insure that species discover and fulfill their genetic plan of true spiritual enlightenment and multidimensional heritage as they were intended.

Many members of the GA appear to be quite human, but they possess knowledge and abilities far beyond conventional human development.

All the Guardian races on Earth are considered Amenti Races.  (See: Races)

Some other members of the GA include:

The regal Lyran-Sirian Whites, an elder, pale-skinned hominid Sirian race frequently called the Founders.

The Aethien, large, white graceful beings of high spiritual development, which resembled upright preying mantises.

The Rhanthunkeana (refered by some as Rhantia), tall, thin light-emitting beings with translucent white skin, almond-shaped eyes of various hues and kinky white hair; skilled shape-shifters and highly advanced spiritually.

The Breneau, advanced beings from the highest dimensional worlds that appear as tall, luminescent figures with elongated heads and large eyes, when they physically manifest.

The Queventelliur. Large, longhaired apelike being of great intelligence and sensitivity, who are occasionally glimpsed on Earth as they monitor Earth’s environment for guardian purposes.

The Turaneusiams, tall, beautiful humans with elongated heads and skin/hair colors representing all those apparent on Earth plus some in pastel hues. The human lineage evolved out of the Turaneusiams, the Elder Race, primarily immortal.

There are many other species involved with the Guardian Alliance, from various hybrids created through intermixing of these species, to the vast, formless sentient conscious entities who direct the Guardian Alliance, entities that exist beyond the scope of dimensionalization.

The GA space-time location spans many different planetary, space, time and dimensional fields. Membership within the GA reaches from the matter-based galaxies and universes of the lower dimensions, to the unfathomable cosmic reality fields of pure consciousness that exist beyond the Metagalactic Core, free from dimensional structure.

Though the GA has many members of a truly ET nature, unrelated to Earth, many of the GA contacts are quite terrestrial in origin, (i.e. Priests of Ur) they are time travelers from a future version of Earth (Tara – Gaia) that we may one day evolve to become.

The GA and other pro-human Visitor groups are here to help us understand and successfully maneuver the challenges our planet will face during the coming years and they hope to lead us gently to a realization of our multi-dimensional heritage. They are also here to teach us to protect ourselves today from Intruder Visitor races that do not have our best interest at heart.

(Voyagers I – Page xxvii)

Faced with the potential catastrophe of Anunnaki Legions (See: Fallen Angelic) waging war through our Time Matrix 568 million years ago (See: Angelic Wars), the IAFW created a crisis intervention Task Force called the Guardian Alliance.

Under the GA are 12 smaller “Signet Councils” that serve as Primary Guardians of each one of the Primary Star Gates in the Universal Templar Complex of our Time Matrix.

(Voyagers I – Page 166)

The GA was formed as a TASK FORCE to increase security in our Time Matrix when the Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroy the Oraphin-Angelic Human lineage and races of the Emerald Covenant. Specializes in propagation of the Emerald Covenant and serves as the governing body of over 10 million Emerald Covenant Star League Nations within the 4 Densities of matter in our Time Matrix.

The GA is directed by the Yanas, Density-5 MC Eieyani Master Council of the Elohi-Elohim Emerald Order Breneau. Christos Founders Races and the IAFW.

The GA is the administrative body of 12 GA Signet Councils. Each of the 12 GA Signet Councils is appointed by the Yanas and IAFW to serve as Primary Guardians of one of the 12 Universal Star Gates (SG's) in the Universal Templar Complex.

All  the  Guardian races on Earth are considered  Amenti Races.  (See: Races)

Also connects to the star gates of the Universal Templar Complex through the D3- Earth Star Gate-3.

(Voyager I – Page 182)

Halls of Amenti: 6 Time Portal passages within the Sphere of Amenti that allow for teleportation ascension from Earth to Tara when opened; created 25 million years ago.

(Voyager II – Page 445)

The confrontation between Guardian Angelic Nations and Annu-Elohim/Anunnaki Angelic Legions is about the destiny of earth human evolution and control of Earth’s Halls of Amenti star gates, and to do so, both need to take advantage of unique conditions of geo and astro-physics characteristics of the Natural Star Gate Opening Cycles (Called SAC – Stellar Activation Cycle) to fulfill their intended objectives.

The Next Natural Star Gate Opening Cycle is between 2000 and 2017. “The Final Conflict”

(Voyager I – Page 185)

Opening of Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates is expected in the year 2012.

(Voyagers I – Page xlvi)

The portals (part of the Kristiac Network) within the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti are known as the Halls of Amenti. They are dimensional passageways one must pass through in order to ascend from Earth, out of the Time Matrix and dimensionalized reality.

The Halls of Amenti have been a closely guarded secret since the time of your inception on Tara, 550 millions years ago.

The Halls of Amenti for Earth were created 25 millions years ago.
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