Crystalai (2013) (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) |
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Image By "FutureAgeSage" |
Some people think that there will be a lot of fear and chaos and even war during these end times. That is true. As the sun is removing the error or miasms from the body template, those who do not know what is happening will be very afraid and when the miasms of hate and fear come together, war will be provoked within themselves. The only war of Armageddon is within ourselves.
It is time to pick up the sword and conquer ourselves. The sword is the flame of violet light, or precisely pink,, white, silver, pastel heliotalic frequency of the 14th dimension. That is frequency of transformation.
I have written about this frequency extensively in my posts. If we look at this chart showing where the frequencies of light align in this pyrmaid, we see that the hertzian frequency is the brown frequency at the bottom of the pyramid. That is the lowest frequency of light and the frequency that is considered the only audible frequency. Since it is the most obvious to the third dimensional mind, most people continue to live their lives around this frequency.
Next, we have the infra red frequency. That frequency is what is used in digital cameras. If you notice when you look through the lense of a digital camera (this is only if your own frequencies are high enough), you will see that flowers take on a blue hue. The digital camera also allows us to see the Orbs of the Soul bodies who are hanging around to decide if they want to walk in to our bodies during this Ascension Time, or if they want to wait around until a Soul is ready to leave. There have been thousands of pictures taken of these Entities. They are actually the Soul Family of the bodies that they hang around with.
The next step up the frequency ladder is Visible Light. This is the only light that the third dimension has ever bothered to use.
There is actually a lot of light and a lot of frequencies beyond visible light. Our next step up is the x-ray light which allows us to see into and through the other realities.
Then there is the invisible light, that is simply not seen.
Next, we move up into the gamma and plasma light.
Finally, there is the pink white, 14th dimensional heliotalic magical frequency of transformation.
One step beyond that is where the pre light and sound touches the Void of the All that Is.
The Creation Factory of all that is made is this area between Source, the Spark of Source, the Idea of Source and then the Idea being formed into a Body of Ultra Violet Blue.
Those who have practiced mentally walking into the Candle (or this can be done with the Sun), are moving their bodies into the FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT AND SOUND. When they do this for long periods of time, they notice a blue sphere developing in the place that used to be invisible light.
This is the proof positive that the person has gone into the Mind of God, developed a new picture on their God Movie Film and returned out of the God Room as a new picture. A new Fifth Dimensional picture that was developed in the God Room.
All ideas are created in this God Room. We must always to the HIGHEST FREQUENCY of Light to Create a New Idea. When we walk back out of the Full Spectrum of light we bring with us the New Idea of who we are. We bring with us the Fifth Dimensional Self.
All of the dimensional frequencies that are in the Candle also exist in our brains. When we learn to use our FULL BRAIN, we are learning to use the MIND OF GOD.
That pink white frequency of the 14th dimensional of transformation is located in our Lower Cerrebellum. That creation door connects to out Seed Atom door within the Etheric levels of our Thymus Gland. That door connects directly to the 14th dimension creation lab of the Mind of God. Once the IDEA or Negative of the picture or idea has been developed in the Mind of God, the Positive is displayed in the Pineal Gland. Next the picture is sent to the Pituitary Gland which is our Movie Projector. The Movie Projector creates a 360 degree reality show around our bodies in the radial bands which are light bands of atomic energy that work like a movie screen.
This is the reality that we have not yet discovered in ourselves.
This is the only reality that we have to discover within ourselves.
This is how we change our reality.
This is how we change the reality of the world.
If we do not do this, the same old movies of war, anger, lack and mortal life spans will continue to develop in our radial bodies over and over again.
Unfortunately, most of the people on Earth who have any interest in expanding their consciousness to this degree are really more interested in that NESARA Fund that Sheldan Nidle is going to obtain for them, or asking their ASTROLOGER to tell them what the month will bring to them instead of making their own movie. Until we take control of the light of our stars and planetary alignments, and move into the proper alignment of all that is created through the Mind of God (CORRECTLY), there is little hope of any change.
So, where is this great change going to come from. The Sun Ra is this very place of the 14th Dimensional Frequency Field coupled with the Plasma Creation Energy. If we come down the Christic ladder of Ka Hya Ra Sa Ta Ha La, we find that Sun Ra is the Third Sun. The first Sun would be completely Etheric, the second one developing into the idea or the picture created in the Mind of God, and the third Sun is the first level of Creation that is taking on Form as Light Field. This was the highest level of Creation Consciousness who set in motion the creation of this Idea of Eternal Creation through the Mind of God.
Now that we are learning more about positrons and neutrinos, fractals and the true meaning of Consciousness plus Energy equals reality, we can comprehend the possibility that we are at the Hertzian Density everything that we were at the Pink White Light Density, and if we return into that Frequency we can be all that we were at that time once again.
That is what is going on with the Sun at this time - April 2014. We have the chance to soak up the Full Spectrum of Light ourselves, and transform our bodies into the Fifth Dimensional Light Spectrum of Multi Dimensionality, or we can wait for Sun Ra to do it for us.
That is the meaning of taking up the Sword. If we take up this Violet Flame and turn on our Minds of God, we don't have to experience the pain that comes from the EXFOLIATION PROCESS of removing the Seals, and Error and Miasms and Frozen Crystals from our DNA.
We can feel the Sun performing this operation on us. We can know that it is a positive measure. We can enjoy the little bit of pain by knowing that the end result will be the miracle we all desire.
Or, we can just continue to watch the T.V. telling us there will be a war and poverty and the President is evil and the world is just getting worse by the minute.
That is your choice. But you have to make a choice. If you don't make a choice, you will just continue going to the Astrologer to tell you what to do and you will continue to ask Raphael, and Michael, and Uriel and any other Angel that your Healers are telling you will do everything for you.
It is time to graduate from the poverty of needing others to make you well. All you really need to do is TUNE IN TO the Highest Frequencies of Transformation. There is a Science that allows the exact alignment of the frequencies that transform your body in the same manner that Sun Ra will transform your body if you wait with the Masses.
It is the Masses who must be told what to do, how to do it, and then have someone else do it for them.
The Masses have no intention of raising their frequencies into the Harmonic Universe Two where Peace Abounds and Prosperity is an afterthought.
The Harmonic Universe Two is a place of Sovereignty. That means you must conquer yourself in order to enjoy it.
I already did all of the Frequency work for you. I will continue creating Eternal Life Albums for those who want to move into the Mind of God continuously.
However, those of you who continue to go to astrology, yoga classes, Reiki, and all of those other Neandrathal Teachings, the negativity from the OLD REVERSED technology will be felt even stronger in a negative way.
I have received testimonies from many who ordered their Eternal Life Album, who said that the pain grew stronger and then they threw away all of their Crystals and they felt like a brand new person.
If we continue to think we need Crystals, or Angels, or Astrologers to do our work for us we are not Sovereign. We are just seeking an alternative to a doctor. Everything in New Age is just an Alternative that equals the old form exactly. There is no progress made in using the alignment of the stars to make your future for you, or thinking a crystal has more power than you do.
I create this Frequency Music to help you realize that you ARE THE MUSIC. You are the creation of the Music of the Spheres. There is no other creation than the one made through the light and sound of the Five Spheres in the Earth's Matrix, and then all of those other Cosmic Creations of their own Matrix.
We are everything that we ever were before. We are the Breath of Source , We are the Spark of Source, we are the Idea of Source. We are the Cosmic councils, we are the Rishis and the Avatars. We had to be those things before we could travel down this Involutionary Path to the lowest density of all. We can here to experience creation at every possible level of dimensional density.
It is all the same reality, just a different density. Now it is time to return to the most Etheric Density, and create a brand new reality.
We can protect ourselves from that happening to us individually and collectively by soaking your minds in the Frequency Music that I have prepared for you, and soaking your head in the sun until the mid brain is full of the light of the omnipresent eternal light spectrum that we call the Rainbow. We can't actually see the rainbow when we are full of white light, but it is there. HOWEVER, the true rainbow has about 36 colors in between each of the colors that our eyes now see. That reality becomes visible once the transfer into the Blue Body takes place.
Be prepared to take your consciousness completely into the image of the sun and fill the mid brain with white light any time an idea, pain, or any old problem comes to the surface. We have been holding Karma within our bodies for a very long time. It is not our fault. We didn't even put it there . It was put there by Invader races and fallen angelics who want to control us. This is the last war, and we can win it with a little light and sound.
I would like to explain the process that the entire world is going through right now, and the process that you will be going through even faster once you order an Eternal Life mp3, Ascension Kit, Ultra Violet Blue Sun or any of the high powered Frequency Wave Files.
The photons of the sun, the stardust that will fall from the comets, the solar winds, etc. are not physical phenomena like the scientists think they are. These divine entities of light and sound carry a power of consciousness from our original Sun Alcyone and our original Star System, Aquarius. They carry the divine frequencies of the entire 12 stargate template. We must connect to the light that they bring through the Sound of the phonons or the Frequencies of Consciousness that we hold within us.
We are bringing in the Rainbow Frequencies into our Crystal Heart and into the Crystal Heart of Earth. The Rainbow Frequencies mean the entire spectrum of light, which is white light. The Sun itself holds this white light because it is eternally attached to the divine manifestation template of Source. The white light is the pre sound and pre light substance that ideas are manifest from.
We can become involved in this Rainbow by using these techniques.
1. Look straight at the sun (If the frequencies are too strong, stand behind a tree and look through the leaves). Walk into the sun in consciousness. Go deep within until you see the sun become Blue.
If the sun has become blue, that means that you have walked all the way into the Sun until you reached the white light of the pre sound pre light of Source. You must go completely into the rainbow frequencies or the complete light spectrum of white light before the light will turn blue. There is in reality no blue light. The blue is a spiritual phenomena that means you have returned to at one ment with Source.
It is only then that you will see a blue sphere in front of you, which is your spiritual self. You will also see a blue violet diamond in your third eye. This means that you have made contact. You will want to keep this connection into the sun as often as possible.
This same procedure can be done by focusing on a candle. You look at the candle flames. You see yourself as the stem of the candle and all of the light coming from within you. If you look closely at the candle you will see the black hertizan at the bottom, then a little red which is infra red, then the visible light, and then there is a place where the light is invisible. A little above that there is the gamma and plasma light and on the very top there is pink white light. If you take your little body that is standing in the stem all the way into this complete light spectrum of the rainbow frequencies, you will see a blue sphere pop out above, below or in front of the flame. This means you have gone in, turned around and become the blue body. It means you have absorbed the allness of Source Frequencies.
There is an easier way to do this, after you have done it at least once with the sun and the candle. Now, we know that the Sun is in the 8th dimension. It is the parallel of the 16th, meaning the spiritual white light outside of the 15th dimensional time matrix. In sacred geometry, that Sun exists three feet straight in front and to a 45 degree angle that goes into the forehead through the mid brain and out the 8th chakra- the throat area between the backbone and the skull. Focus on the symbol of the sun, the location of the sun and visualize the gamma wave and the white light sphere. Allow that sphere of white light to come into the mid brain and soak up that frequency until all thoughts are removed from the brain.
The reason this is important in the near future is this:
Every time there is more light brought to Earth, every time you listen to these frequencies --especially the Eternal Life album, there will be miasms and seals coming out of the body to be healed. When the problems or pains arise from the body -- sometimes thoughts of anger, fear, jealousy, confusion - TAKE THAT IDEA and PLACE IT IN THE SUN. MELT IT INTO THE RAINBOW FREQUENCY OF THE COMPLETE LIGHT SPECTRUM OF WHITE LIGHT OR SOURCE. LET IT BURN UNTIL IT MELTS INTO CRYSTAL LIQUID LIGHT.
Now, you can let this crystal liquid light flow into your cells and transpose your body into the fifth dimensional blue body.
Some people think that there will be a lot of fear and chaos and even war during these end times. That is true. As the sun is removing the error or miasms from the body template, those who do not know what is happening will be very afraid and when the miasms of hate and fear come together, war will be provoked.
We can protect ourselves from that happening to us individually and collectively by soaking your minds in the Frequency Music that I have prepared for you, and soaking your head in the sun until the mid brain is full of the light of the omnipresent eternal light spectrum that we call the Rainbow. We can't actually see the rainbow when we are full of white light, but it is there. HOWEVER, the true rainbow has about 36 colors in between each of the colors that our eyes now see. That reality becomes visible once the transfer into the Blue Body takes place.
Be prepared to take your consciousness completely into the image of the sun and fill the mid brain with white light any time an idea, pain, or any old problem comes to the surface. We have been holding Karma within our bodies for a very long time. It is not our fault. We didn't even put it there . It was put there by Invader races and fallen angelics who want to control us. This is the last war, and we can win it with a little light and sound.
I would like to respond to this question:
I had an experience when I closed my eyes and started to listen to the CD on the 3rd or 4th day I had a huge flash of white light so bright and bold like I have never seen before. I usually will see white light or ultra violet blue through my Third eye and some visions of people’s faces or eyes and most recently patterns.
When we go into the full spectrum of white light, we are going all the way to Source Consciousness. The ultraviolet blue is only an after effect of going into the white light. Our consciousness is actually going into the full spectrum. It is going all the way into hertzian, infra red, visible light, invisible light, gamma, x ray, white light and pink white light. When consciousness goes into the Sun--which holds the entire spectrum of light and attaches consciousness into Source, there is a bounce back -- a negative of a picture is created. This is the same formula that works if you take your consciousness into a mirror, turn around and look back at your self from the other side. There is an atomic radiation substance within the mirror. If you stare into a candle, the same thing happens. You are saturating your consciousness with the full spectrum of white Light (The pink white light is out in the void -- it doesn't concern us at this time).
So, to summarize, we can't get to the blue light without going into the white light. My music is created to take your consciousness into white light, turn around and become the negative of the new picture made in the blue light. It looks blue at first, but in reality it is ultra violet blue. It is in fact uv radiation. It is the atomic radiation that creates a new picture. But the picture is only a negative. We add the positive or the development of the picture through the ideas placed in our consciousness.
That is why this time - the next few months is critical to what we manifest next year in our brand new world.. Everytime you gaze into the Sun and see blue, this means you are in Sun Alcyone. You are no longer in Sun Vesta. You have aligned your consciousness into the Blue Sun-- meaning the creation sun. The Sun who holds the original blue print idea of who you were when originally created. That blue print is a reflection of the idea created in Source Consciousness. Sun Alcyone is our creator, but Source is our Original Idea that holds the divine blue print forever.
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse
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Crystalai @2011
Crystalai @2011
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