The people of the planet may “think” they are separate life forms from the planet but that is an illusion as nothing is actually separated from anything.
The people of the planet ARE the ones who are creating the planet as the planet and all “matter bodies” are a hologram made of conscious light and sound.
The planet is made of the conscious, living energy of Source and it is very much alive, thinks, feels and has emotions just like all living things do. Think about just the plants on the planet for a moment. It is a known fact that plant life respond to energy, thoughts and sound and they thrive within an environment that offers balance and love and wilt and die in an environment that offers the opposite. Life forms do not exist on food and water alone and either thrive within balance or deteriorate within imbalance. How much plant life exists within the Earth reality field?
Every life form of the planet is plugged into the planet and just like the roots of a tree expand the life forces out to feed the tree so do all life forms of the planet and the planet do the same. Just like the expansion of life force through the root system of the trees allow all trees to be in constant communication with each other, so do all vegetation life forms as well as the animals and people of the planet.
This understanding should make it quite easy to understand how the “emotions” held within the life forms on the planet effects the balance or imbalance of the entire system. If you were to take a potted plant and place it within a war zone or within an environment where masses of people are held in a state of fear would that plant thrive and grow or would it wilt and die?
What do things like missile explosions, sonic booms, blasts of energy waves and sound waves do to the planetary environment? How do such things effect a potted plant? We can think of the effects on the planet increased immensely as a reaction to what the life forms on the planet are doing.
We may think of ourselves as being separate life forms from the planet, we may think our actions, words, emotions and thoughts have no impact on the planetary environment but we would be lying to ourselves to allow ourselves to believe such.
Scientific testing has proven that the conscious thoughts of groups of people on one side of the planet have an effect on the conscious thoughts of groups of people on the other side of the planet. (
The Morphogenetic Universe). But not only do they effect the thoughts they also effect the emotions and they may do so consciously unaware to the people.
How might the thoughts and emotions of the people living in areas where war has become a part of their every day living process, where control is to such extremes they cannot even choose what to believe, where suffering is so vast that death seems the better alternative - effect the entire planetary environment and population?
How are the people across the planet emotionally effected when regions experience mass population suffering either through war and violence or through the planet shifting to heal?
Perhaps you have seen the videos of water experiments that prove how water can be coded with and effected by thought patterns, words and music. (
One You Tube Video Here). 71% of the surface of the planet is covered in water and there are oceans within the planet that science has yet to discover. What are the thoughts, words and emotions of the population coding into the water of the planet?
Imagine your life being one in which you are told negative things daily, that you are controlled and go to bed each night fearful of what might occur or perhaps go to sleep hungry wondering if you will survive to see another day. What kind of emotions and thoughts might such a person hold? What kind of coding are those emotions and thoughts seeding into the water and planetary environment?
Shifting into higher conscious awareness means becoming “more aware of Self”, becoming more aware of all of creation and within that awareness is an opportunity to “shift into personal responsibility for the reality field”.
Why do the birds sing their song so much louder as the dawn of the new day unfolds? Why do sea creatures send their sounds vibrating through the ocean of the planet? Why do toads sing so loudly within the rivers and ponds? Why do the creatures of the planet go about their daily lives emitting their sound tones unto the environment? They do so because they are playing their role of assisting to maintain as much balance as possible within the hologram as they can via singing their soul song lullabies unto the planet. Unlike the people of Earth, the animal kingdom has not forgotten Planetary Stewardship.
When our physical body is riddle with disease and imbalance what do we desire to do? We desire to restore balance quickly so that we can feel better and go about our life experience. The planet is riddled with disease and suffering and it is a result of the imbalanced people she is carrying through space and time. She has chosen to heal herself regardless if those riding on her desire to heal or not but she is a loving, caring, kind expression of Source so she is healing herself as gently as she can while still supporting the life forms who pay her no attention or are sleep walking and know not what they are doing.
What does it feel like when you are constipated or have a terrible stomach ache? Imagine the planet dealing with such feelings of distortion, what might it feel like for her to have a terrible stomach ache? What might it feel like when she belches and releases the gas that is making her stomach ache? Perhaps a volcano erupting or an earth quake that creates a tsunami?
Can the people of the planet assist the planet to heal from the disease that racks her body? If the thoughts, actions, words, emotions and deeds can make the planet sick then they can also heal the planet, just like they can code patterns into the waters or make a potted plant thrive.
How can the people of the planet assist the planet to heal in a much more balanced way to allow the environment to retain some state of balance as she heals herself? By focusing on healing their self and regaining control of their thoughts, emotions, words, actions and deeds.
Perhaps you are now experiencing the rapid purging that is occurring within your emotional body, perhaps you are experiencing moments where your life feels it is falling apart at the seems and you have no conscious clue why? Guess what? The planet is dealing with the same level of purging but in much larger extremes. What do you desire – to feel better within yourself? Balance? So does the planet.
As you work to heal yourself you can also assist the planet by sending her loving thoughts and emotions and not blaming her for any distress that is expressing as she heals herself and by singing unto her your personal soul song of love and beauty. Hold her gently within your mind, body and heart and send her all of the loving emotions that you desire yourself.
Planetary Stewardship does not require much physical labor, it simply requires love.
Loving Joy,